
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cross Bay Bridge Toll Resident Rebate is Back Again......and Other Good News

The newly passed New York State budget provides a funding mechanism for the reinstatement of the Cross Bay Bridge Toll Resident Rebate.

Governor Cuomo's 2012-2013 State Budget budget includes funding that allows the state to pay the MTA for costs associated with reimbursement of E-Z Pass tolls paid by residents of Broad Channel and the Rockaway Peninsula for travel over the Cross Bay Veterans Memorial Bridge.

Assemblyman Phillip Goldfeder (D-Rockaway/23rd A.D.) secured the inclusion of the Residency Rebate for the Cross Bay Bridge into the final budget via legislation which requires the state to
pay the MTA for costs associated with promoting access to employment through reimbursements for
E-ZPass tolls paid by residents of Broad Channel and the Rockaway Peninsula that travel over the Cross Bay Veterans Memorial Bridge.
Keep in mnd that this is not a permanent solution to the Cross Bay Bridge Toll issue.  It is a temporary, single year, budget fix that expires with the 2012-2013 budget. 

If a permament fix to this issue is not found and this funding mechanism is not included in the 2013-2014 budget, the toll will return.

Other Good News....

The state budget passed this week contains an item that's sure to please everyone: The elimination of the state sales tax on clothing items under $110, starting Sunday, April 1st.

Combined with the already-in-place exemption from city taxes, shoppers can buy clothing under $110 tax-free. Taxes only come into play when an item costs more than $110. To be sure, you can buy five $100 items and still be tax free. The limit only applies to individual items.

In the fiscal year ending today (Saturday, March 31st) the state tax exemption applied only to items under $55.

1 comment:

  1. Governor Cuomo's 2012-2013 State Budget budget includes funding that allows the state to pay the MTA for costs associated with *REIMBURSEMENT* of E-Z Pass tolls paid by residents of Broad Channel and the Rockaway Peninsula for travel over the Cross Bay Veterans Memorial Bridge.

    Hellooo!! It's still cash out of our pocket where does the State Get the Money to Reimburse the MTA...It's a computer program!! It clicks a credit on the tab like any other bill..Would love to know the reimbursement costs..If you have easy pass and never use the bridge you would still get a statement for any other uses.. What a scam...
