
Friday, March 30, 2012

Participatory Budgeting Vote....Make sure Broad Channel is Heard!

Residents of Rockaway and Broad Channel can finally let their elected officials know exactly what they would do with $1 million of government spending.

They are hitting the polls this week and voting on a number of capital projects as part of a citywide initiative on “participatory budgeting.”

Over the past few months, people from Rockaway and Broad Channel gathered for several neighborhood assemblies to suggest and select projects for the ballot. The projects vary from year-round heated bathrooms on the Rockaway boardwalk to a library vending machine in Breezy Point and technology upgrades at several local schools.

Several of the proposed projects involve Broad Channel's 17th Road Park, P.S. 47 and our Vounteer Fire Department.

All residents of Broad Channel, 18 years of age or older, may vote in this process.

Voting will take place at the St. Virgilius Community Center Saturday, March 31st, between the hours of 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm.  Those projects receiving the most votes will get funded.

A sample project ballot can be found here.

The results will be announced this Monday, April 2, 2012.

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