
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Water Rates Going Up Again.....

City environmental honchos want to water-board New Yorkers yet again, saying they will propose Friday a 7% hike to water rates that have skyrocketed 78% since 2005.

The city downplayed the proposed soaking by describing it as not as bad as in recent fiscal years — and well under the 9.3% bump the Department of Environmental Protection projected just a year ago.
“This is the lowest water rate increase in seven years,” DEP spokesman Farrell Sklerov said.

"While we know that it is extremely difficult for our customers to have to pay any more, the downward trend clearly shows that our aggressive efforts to keep rates in check are paying off.”

This fiscal year’s rate was already 7.5% above that of last year, which itself was 12.9% more than the previous year.

(....If (make that when) this proposed rate increase is approved, it will go into effect July 1st....)

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