
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sanitation Enforcement Makes it 3 Days in a Row!

This morning at 9:45 am, I was once again visited by a Sanitation Enforcement Agent who affixed a "Sanitation Warning" to my front door by tape, advising that

"When placing out large amounts of construction or other debris you must hire a private sanitation company for container service."

All my garbage, consisting of secured black contractor bags, is still stored on my property adjacent to my house...not on the sidewalk or in the street so I still have no idea what the purpose of these repeated, and now, annoying visits is.

The Sanitation Agent did not announce herself this time, she simply affixed the "warning" to my front door and quickly left.

This is the 3rd consecutive day in a row that I have been visited and "warned" by Sanitation Enforcement Agents about this policy.

They must be handing out a lot of these warnings because today, instead of the official "yellow copy" of the warning, all I received was a plain white paper copy of the "warning" with ragged edges where they had been cut out.

Previous visits by Sanitation were conducted on April 8th and April 9th.

1 comment:

  1. So they didn't pick up garbage on the block for weeks and now we are getting warnings. Does this mean that the city will not be going thru everyone's garbage to see what they are throwing out? NYC tax dollars at work.
