
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Message from George Kasimos, Founder - Stop FEMA Now....

I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. George Kasimos from Toms River, New Jersey last night at the Community Bard 14 meeting at the Scholars Academy.  Mr. Kasimos is the founder of Stop Fema Now
activist organization.

Earlier today I received the following email from George that I want to share with all of you.

To: The West 12th Road Block Association

Thank you very much.  It was a pleasure talking at your District 14 Meeting yesterday.  Just know we are not alone!

We have had communication from leaders in the following communities;  Staten Island, Broad Channel Civic Association, Massapequa, Valley Stream, The Rockaway’s along with most of NJ. 

What we can do moving forward;  Get the word out.  We need EVERYONE who is uniformed and sitting on the sidelines to get involved.

Then we need to have all groups in NY and NJ join together, and eventually across the nation.  The rest of the nation will be receiving their new flood maps and will have the same issues.  Actually we are “lucky” in a way, because we SHOULD have significant grants and loans to MITIGATE (raise) our homes.  (Homes that were affected by SANDY).  According to NY times 18% of all homes were in a flood zone.  Since raising the elevation with the new flood maps we are estimating that 25% of all homes are in a flood zone.  This is a NATIONAL issue.

Here is what your group and similar groups can do today;

Get your members to Like
The only way we can make real change is by having large advocacy groups to FORCE our federal officials to DRASTICALLY CHANGE or REPEAL the Biggert-Waters act.  Blog on the site.  Let everyone know that NY and NJ stand together!  We are the loudest groups in the nation!  NY is the center of the universe concerning national media coverage.

Everyone on this email list is a leader in their community in NY.  Get other New York Groups to join us.  In the meantime please be active participants on the Facebook page. Blog articles, post articles, ask questions and answer questions.  Let everyone know that NY and NJ are in this together! 

Secondly we would like an “endorsement letter from your association”  (sample letter ).  Then we need you all to actively recruit other members and associations.  Have them send over similar endorsement letters.  The politicians LOOK at that .  We have more LIKES (= VOTES) than most politicians.  We are just 90 days old, we are growing by leaps and bounds.

Lastly we are looking to have a large MASSIVE  STOP FEMA NOW meeting in Staten Island.  For two reasons.  We should be able to draw NJ and NY residents there.  And Dee Vanderburg is a great resource.  Her association “oversees” all associations in Staten Island!  All we need is one politician and a hall and we will be there.  We feel this will bring out the national media! Dee, you set up date and time and we will be there (Except April 25 and April 20, we have scheduled meetings already.  Give us two weeks notice so we can inform all NY and NJ residents and the MEDIA).

You can look at our site and hear Question and Answer meetings that we recently had with Mayors who have also been affected and have “skin in the game”.  It will answer many questions that you have. 

Dr. Farrell, PHD – leading expert in flooding and “wave action” presentation disputing FEMA advisory flood maps

All these resources and more are on

Thank you all for your support!  Feel Free to contact us with any ideas, questions or concerns

George Kasimos
Twitter #StopFemaNow

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