
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Letter of Support for "Stop FEMA Now"....

The below letter of support was sent to Mr. George Kasimos of "Stop FEMA Now" earlier this morning on behalf of all homeowners and residents of West 12th Road.

West 12th Road Block Association
55 West 12th Road
Broad Channel, New York

April 11, 2013

This letter is a vote of support and endorsement of “Stop FEMA Now” and George Kasimos in their efforts to create community awareness about the potentially devastating impact of the proposed new FEMA Flood Maps.

Together we share the goal of helping New York and New Jersey shore communities to rebuild following Super Storm Sandy.

Together we urge both FEMA and the federal government to take a more realistic approach to rebuilding our shore communities.

The goal of our West 12th Road Block Association here in Broad Channel, New York, is to both maintain and improve the quality of life for all our neighbors. 

We are pleased to see a grass root organization like “Stop FEMA Now” aiding us in achieving that goal.

Thank you,.

Peter J. Mahon
On behalf of the more than 100 resident members
The West 12th Road Block Association
Broad Channel, New York
Home: 718-945-0805
Cell: 347-355-8749


  1. Here's a thought....Why don't we get Anthony Weiner involved? He has name recognition, he is familiar with this area, he is looking to get back into politics, he knows the ins and outs of Washington, and he knows how to reach the powers that be.

    1. I have to admit that When I first began reading this comment I was waiting for the punch line. Once I got to the end of it and realized that the writer was serious, I, in fact, agree with their idea. This would be an issue he could attack ferociously while wedging his foot back into the door of politics.

  2. Thank you Peter! Well done! "Give em hell, Harry"
