
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Broad Channel Reconstruction Project (HWQ1182A) - Update #2 re: West 11th, 12th and 13th Roads

This below informatIon was just provided me by Dan Mundy Jr, President of the Broad Channel Civic Association as background and an update to a previous December 19th posting regarding the pending suspension of street contract work on the part of EIC Associates to allow access to Build it Back onto West 11th and 12th Roads to elevate/rebuild homes.



We met last week with Build it back staff including Lou Mendes who in now in charge of operations and has been brought in to speed things up as well as with the DDC team ( including contractor EIC) to discuss the citys plan to accomplish both the street raising and the work on the Build it Back homes. 

We have stressed both the need to get these homes elevated and rebuilt as well as the very urgent need to get the streets finished. 

They have developed the plan that is laid out below ( received from Rudy Giuliani ) that addresses 11th, 12th and 13th roads. We have also made arrangements for officials from both DDC-street raising and from Build it Back to attend the next civic Meeting on January 26th ( 7pm at VFW ) and we suggest concerned residents attend to hear this plan as well as the master plan going forward for all Broad Channel elevations and rebuilds. 

The civic is grateful to Boro President Melinda Katz for her direct involvement on both of these construction projects and for helping to get us the answers we need and the oversight that is critical for ensuring that our voices are heard by these agencies.
Hope you can put this out on your Blog.

Dan Mundy

From Rudy Giuliani 
BIB UPDATE FOR 11th, 12th, & 13th ROADS

Build it Back has been coordinating with DDC and the street raising contractor and has begun mobilizing to begin construction on 11th, 12, and 13th Roads.  Together, they have made a plan which is as follows:

11th Road- Build it Back Homeowners will be contacted and assigned a move out date of January 31st. This has already begun.  Tishman homes have been assigned to Baumgartner as their contractor. This move out date is for all BIB homes, regardless of contractor, CYOC, or otherwise.  All contractors are aware and have been given this directive. Elevations are to begin no later than March 1st.
-          Street construction will pause to allow BIB to elevate homes.  After each home elevated and reset on a new foundation, a coordination effort will be made to restart street construction while still allowing access on walkways for BIB contractors.

12th Road- Build it Back Homeowners will be contacted and assigned move out dates of March 1st. Tishman homes have been assigned to “Baumgartner” as their contractor.  This move out date is for all BIB homes, regardless of contractor, CYOC, or otherwise. All contractors have been given this directive. Elevations will begin no later than April 1st

-          Street construction will pause to allow BIB to elevate homes.  After each home elevated and reset on a new foundation, a coordination effort will be made to restart street construction while still allowing access on walkways for BIB contractors.

13th Road-  Build it Back homeowners have already moved out and construction should begin this week.  Tishman homes have been assigned to “AWL Industries” as their contractor.
-          Street construction will begin when Build it Back construction is complete. 

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