VFW Hosts Vets In BC
Even with the peak of summer heat, a group of disabled veterans enjoyed a great day out courtesy of Broad Channel’s Veterans of Foreign Wars Prince-Wynn Post 260.
On Saturday afternoon, Aug. 22, 20 vets from the VA St. Albans Community Living Center arrived by bus at the VFW Hall onCross Bay Boulevard.
Volunteers entertained the vets in the Post’s lush backyard which overlooks Jamaica Bay.
Music was provided by local performers John Baxter and Jon Kiebon. Broad Channel’s own Maggie Turchio also did her well received hula hoop dance routine.
The vets received a special treat as chefs Rob Prokopowicz and Billy Boden made delicious gyros for their guests.
VFW volunteer Amy Mahon commented that “There were also horse races in which the men and women could ‘bet’ on a horse (to win).” Other volunteers moved their respective wooden horse cutouts across the grass as the race progressed.
Afterward Mahon said, “Every one of (the vets) that I was able to talk to loved it so much. It was a change of scenery for them, being able to hang out outside in the nice weather rather than in the VA hospital. Honestly, I don't think they wanted to leave.”
“One of the men in particular, his name's Joe, kept thanking us over and over again for everything we've done, and the amazing food we have, and how he enjoys every minute being there with us.
He's an amazing guy who served in the Navy during Vietnam, I believe. He lost his ability to walk and he now talks through a breathing tube. Still one of the funniest and most loving guys in the group.”
Toward the end, she said, “one of the nurses, Wanda, stood up and made one of the most heartwarming speeches thanking us for everything we do in regards to St. Albans.”
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