
Saturday, April 14, 2012



These individuals, when asked, could not produce any form of identification.

We notified the 100th Police Precinct's Community Affairs Office of this matter who advised us yesterday that although they have received no similar complaints regarding the presence of possible "scam" artists in our area,  they will contact us if they do become aware of anything in this regard.

In addition to the above, these individuals have not returned to West 12th Road since being challenged by several W12th Road residents this past Thursday.

Please ensure that you do not provide any personal information to any individual visiting your residience, regardless of who they tell you they represent. 

Better yet, if you are unsure who the visitor is, simply tell them you are not interested and do not even open your door. Under no circumstances allow any stranger to enter your residence.

If you have elderly or infirm neighbors please talk to them about this issue and advise them as above.

If the individual(s) persist or otherwise makes you uncomfortable, call the police immediately.

I have also advised residents of West 12th Road they may contact me at home at 718-945-0805 or simply refer the visitors to my residence at 55W12thRd to validate their presence on the block.

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