
Thursday, April 12, 2012


I have just been advised that over the past three (3) days, various neighbors on the block have been visited by individuals who stated that they were either "home inspectors", representatives from a "mortgage company" or representatives from an "energy company".

These individuals have been described as extremely young looking men and women and have, in some cases, requested personal information from a resident and in at least one instance, requested to be granted access inside the property owners residence.

One W12th Road resident challenged one of these groups and demanded to see some form of identification which they were not able to produce.

I have contacted the 100th Police Precinct's Community Affairts Office requesting information if they are aware of any similar concerns regarding this issue either here in the Channel or in Rockaway.  I am currently awaiting a call back from the Precinct.

In the interim, please ensure that you do not provide any personal information to any individual visiting your residience, regardless of who they tell you they represent.  Better yet, if you are unsure who the visitor is, simply tell them you are not interested and do not even open your door.  Under no circumstances allow any stranger to enter your residence.

If you have elderly or infirm neighbors please talk to them about this issue and advise them as above.

If the individual(s) persist or otherwise makes you uncomfortable, call the police immediately.

I have also advised residents of West 12th Road they may contact me at home at 718-945-0805 or by cell at 347-821-9656.

I will update you regarding this matter as more information becomes available.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy Muldoon GuisepponeApril 14, 2012 at 11:32 AM

    Peter,,, i have been home for a few weeks now and have seen an uncomfortable amount of strangers on the block either taking pictures or knocking on peoples doors ----- i was there when Frank confronted the one man ( who did have a Lic from the BYS Lic div ,,,indicating he did work with some kind of bank or mortgage company ) ......but have seen plenty of otherd .....i have no problem challenging these people but for those of us that arent comfortable ...GET a PLATE #...and a description of the individual ......JUST IN CASE !!!! We all hope that our neighbors would do it for us , right ? ........Kathy ....
