
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Flood Mitigation Project - Update

Dan Mundy Jr., President of the Broad Channel Civic Association has advised that a presentation by DOT staff and the RBA Design Group regarding the proposed "Shared Space" design proposal for West 11th, 12th and 13th Roads will be made later this month at the Civic Association meeting on Thursday evening, September 22nd starting at 7:00 pm.

The "Shared Space" design proposal was initially presented to the West 12th Road Block Association and representatives of West 11th and 13th Roads by DOT and the RBA Design Group on Friday, July 22, 2011, during a meeting at the North Channel Yacht Club.

On July 26, 2011, we posted several conceptual design drawings provided by the RBA Design Group regarding the proposed "Shared Space" concept is site.

On August 3, 2011 a lengthy newsletter was printed and delivered to all residents of West 12th Road detailing specifics of the proposal and requesting feedback regarding same.

Following up on the newsletter, by mid-August it was determined that the residents of West 12th Road were all in agreement that the "Shared Space" design proposal was more than acceptable.

We then communicated all information pertaining to this "Shared Space" proposal to Chief Dan McIntyre of the Broad Channel Volunteer Fire Department who, after reviewing same, stated that he had no objections to its proposed implementation.

On August 25, 2011, Queens DOT Commisioner Maura McCarthy was advised that the residents of West 12th Road were in agreement that the "Shared Space" design proposal was both impressive and more than acceptable.

Please keep in mind that between now and January 2012 the city and the RBA Group will finalize their design profiles for West 11th and 13th Roads, complete all project designs, obtain DEC approvals and advertise bids for this contract.

In light of the above, I have to assume that the city will be looking for a definitive response regarding their proposal, one way or the other, especially from the residents of West 11th and 13th Roads. 

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