
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Between the Bridges in Broad Channel

Between the Bridges in Broad Channel
Peter J. Mahon

Mother of God, the Navy Lost an Aircraft Carrier!

Charles Dickens once wrote "Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some." With that in mind, allow me to wish all of you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving celebration!

The members of our Broad Channel VFW  worked hard and long this past Sunday, preparing and serving a grand meal with all the trimmings, providing our vets with a memorable holiday experience as they hosted their annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner for the residents of St. Alban's Veterans Hospital.   Many of the vets required hands on assistance while dining and our guys and gals at the Post were more than happy to provide it.  A very special thank you to Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder and his family for stopping by to lend their support!

One of the many ways our VFW Post funds their continual efforts to reach out and provide services to our veterans at St. Albans is via the several fundraisers the Post runs each year.  And speaking of fundraisers (how's that for a segue?), stop by the Broad Channel VFW Hall Friday evening, December 12th at 7 pm and enjoy some food and libations in the company of your friends and neighbors while enjoying the music of Walker and Friends.  Call Vinny at 347-697-8774 for more information on this event.

Broad Channel’s own Kevin Conklin will graduate from Marine Corps Recruit Training at Parris Island on December 12th at which time Kevin will receive his "eagle, globe and anchor" insignia and with it, the title of United States Marine, which he will carry with him for the rest of his life.  Semper Fi Kevin - Broad Channel is proud of you! 

Congratulations to Charles Arnemann of Broad Channel on his 70th birthday.  Charle’s beautiful wife Diane was overheard to remark that “the older the fiddler, the sweeter the tune.”  Anyone who has had the pleasure of listening to Charles and Diane rocking out to the oldies with their hometown group Wax R Back would have to agree with her.

Congratulations are also in order for Bobby and Margaret Glade of West 10th Road in Broad Channel on their 30th wedding anniversary. I had the pleasure of talking with the happy couple recently and remarked, “Wow, 30 years!  I guess it feels like just yesterday, right?”  Bobby and Margaret both looked at each other and then turned to me responding in unison - “Well it was 10,950 days ago but who’s counting?”

Beginning this week the 2015 Broad Channel Historical Calendar will be on sale (still only $5) at Rock&Roll Bagel, All American Deli, Broad Channel Civic meetings, and from members of the Historical Committee. Mail orders can be placed at  Please add $2 postage for each calendar and make check out to Broad Channel Historical Society.

Don Riepe and the Northeast Chapter of the American Littoral Society will be holding their 25th Annual Fundraising Holiday celebration on Saturday, December 13th at the Broad Channel American Legion Hall.  Reservation and tickets for the event may be had by calling 718-474-0896 or email at NEChapter@littoralsociety,org.

Before we end this, were all of you just as surprised as I was when it was revealed that the recent photos of Kim Kardashian’s rather prodigious and naked bum that were splashed all over the news had been….how do I put this delicately….digitally enhanced?  My 97 year old mother recently viewed the young lady’s photo and remarked Mother of God, the Navy lost an aircraft carrier!”

Broad Channel, why would anyone want to live anywhere else?

Contact Information: Email – or call or text: 347-226-1293

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