
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Goldfeder Announces DEC Accepting Applications for Environmental Grant

For Immediate Release:                                                                   Contact: Angelica Katz
October 15, 2013                                                                                                   718-614-3291

***Press Release***
Assemblyman Goldfeder Announces DEC Accepting Applications for Environmental Grant

State Funding Available to Improve Urban Environments & Parks, Especially in Sandy-Damaged Neighborhoods

Nearly $500,000 in Grants Will Be Provided to Eligible Applicants, Including Municipalities, Public Benefit Corporations, Public Authorities, School Districts and Not-for-Profit Organizations

               Rockaway, Queens--Assemblyman Phillip Goldfeder (D-Rockaway) announced today applications are now being accepted for the Cost Share Grant Program distributed through the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for urban and community forestry projects throughout neighborhoods and parks to provide environmental, economic, and social benefits; and improve quality of life for New York urban residents.

               “This grant is an opportunity to improve our communities struggling with pollution and other environmental burdens,” said Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder. “From expanding and developing green space to cleaning up areas that were damaged by Superstorm Sandy, these initiatives will help contribute to a healthier environment and improve our community’s quality of life.”

               At least $500,000 in grants will be available to municipalities, public benefit corporations, public authorities, school districts and not-for-profit organizations that have a public ownership interest in the property or are acting on behalf of a public property owner. Communities may request from $2,500 to $50,000, depending on municipal population. Eligible project categories include tree inventories and management plans; tree planting, maintenance and invasive pest detection survey, and $1,000 Quick Start Arbor Day Grants.

               “I urge all eligible applicants to take advantage of this Grant Program,” said Assemblyman Phillip Goldfeder. "In the aftermath of Sandy we know that every dollar is important to get us back on our feet."

               Funds are made available from the Environmental Protection Fund and will be managed and allocated by DEC.
               For Grant applications or further information about the Cost Share Grant Program, visit DEC website: or write to NYSDEC, Division of Forest Protection, 625 Broadway 3rd Floor, Albany, NY, 12233-2560 or by phone contact DEC at (518) 402-9425, or by email to


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