
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Maureen Drennan, Adjunct Professor of Photograpy LaGuardia Community College and Kingsborough Community College

Maureen Drennan
Maureen Drennan is a photographer born and based in New York City. 

Her work has been included in exhibitions in North America and Australia including the Rhode Island School of Design Museum, The Wild Project (NY), Aperture (NY), Philadelphia Photo Arts Center and the Newspace Center for Photography, amongst others.

She is currently an adjunct professor of photography at LaGuardia Community College and Kingsborough Community College in New York City.

Earlier today, I received the below email from Maureen...

July 30, 2013

Hi Peter,

How are you?
We met over a year ago at the VFW and you kindly allowed me to photograph you. I have got some nice photos from that time I would like to give you. Your blog is great! I really enjoy reading it, its so informative.

I've been photographing Broad Channel before and after the storm, but obviously after the storm the photos take on a different meaning. In particular what was lost and the vulnerability of the community.

I have been asking residents for something small that meant a lot to them which got ruined in the storm. I've been taking pictures of those objects because I believe they tell the story of how powerful the ocean can be. It tells a more poetic and personal story than a picture of a boat in the street or a car on a roof. The media has unfortunately inundated us with that kind of sensationalist imagery. 

I have some beautiful close up pictures of books and postcards. But I'm looking for more! I would love to take pictures of people's pictures that were damaged in the storm or anything they want to show me, really. 

Do you have anything small-ish that was damaged that I could come out and take pictures of? Do your friends, family, neighbors? 

Would it be possible to ask on your blog so I could come out and photograph a lot in one trip?

Thank you so much for reading this and considering it, I appreciate it!

Take care and I hope you are enjoying your summer



Having met Maureen last year at a function at the Broad Channel V.F.W. I can attest to the fact that she has a sincere interest in and fondness for our community here in Broad Channel. Her photography eschews the most often found glaring evidence of community upheaval and destruction and focuses instead on the more personal and intimate aspects of the impact of Superstorm Sandy's impact on an individual's or family's life.

Anyone who may be interested in assisting Professor Drennan with her photo project of our Broad Channel community can contact her at the below email address....

or by phone at:


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