
Friday, June 7, 2013

Tropical Storm Andrea - Update #9 (2pm)

(as of  2pm June 7, 2013)

[Note:  Changes from last update highlighted in red...]

Category:  Tropical Storm
Location:  480 miles SW of Broad Channel approaching Raleigh N.C.
Pressure:  996 mb
Wind Speed:  45 mph
Movement:  NE at  28 mph

At this time no Watches or Warnings have been issued by the National Weather Service for our area

What Can We Expect?
(Friday through Saturday)

Arrival of Andrea's Center of Circulation in our area:  late Friday night, early Saturday morning.  [Note: The rains from Andrea will precede its center of circulation by 12 hours]

Thunderstorm/Lightning Risk: Low
[NoteThe greatest risk for locally severe thunderstorms would be near and just east of the track of the tropical system's center of circulation.  Broad Channel is forecast to be west of the storm's center so our risk is low.]

Precipitation:  2 to 4+ inches of rain with locally heavier amounts possible

Winds:  Today ESE wind 13-15 mph with higher gusts then the winds will change to NE at 15-20 mph this evening as Andrea moves in.

Tidal Street Flooding?:  Yes [high tide 1-2 feet above astronomical height possible]

Storm Surge?:  None forecast at this time

Power Outage?:  Not anticipated

Public Transportation Disruption?:  Subway and Bus service should not be affected
[NoteTravel delays from blinding tropical downpours, poor drainage area flooding and locally gusty thunderstorms are possible.]

Airport Delays:  JFK - 1hr 26min...LAG - 1hr 28min - Newark - 1hr 36min

Cell Service Disruption?:  Not anticipated

When will storm dissipate?:  Broad Channel should start clearing late Saturday morning.

Summary of  Changes Since Last Update

As the rain bands from Andrea approach us later today the winds will shift from ESE to NE at about 15-20 mph with higher gusts possible.  This will not be a "wind event" storm, rather, the main concern for Andrea will be the 2 to 4+ inches of rain that is presently expected and minor tidal street flooding on low elevation roads and streets with this evening's high tide.

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