
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Gillibrand to FEMA: review flood insurance rules

Gillibrand to FEMA: review flood insurance rules

Associated Press

ALBANY, N.Y. — Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has asked the Federal Emergency Management Agency to review rules that resulted in insurance coverage denials for some Superstorm Sandy victims.
Gillibrand's letter this week came after reports that the National Flood Insurance Program is denying claims to thousands of homeowners who have costly damage to their foundations due to Sandy. Currently, a FEMA provision states that the agency does not insure property loss caused directly by earth movement, even if the movement is caused by a flood.
Gillibrand says it's not right for "bureaucratic fine print" to stand in the way of getting homeowners back on their feet. She wants the denials reconsidered.

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