
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Biggert-Waters Act could devastate St. Tammany, La.

Biggert-Waters Act could devastate St. Tammany, Slidell City Council told

St. Tammany Parish President Pat Brister told the Slidell City Council Tuesday that the Biggert-Waters Act, coupled with proposed FEMA flood maps that decertify some levees and pump stations, could leave a trail of devastation across the parish. But, she said, the parish has joined with others in south Louisiana to try and delay implementation of the act and new maps.

"We have made some progress,'' Brister said, noting that she and several other area parish presidents have traveled to Washington, D.C., to lobby Congress, and continues to hold twice-weekly conference calls to discuss developments. She said the coalition against Biggert-Waters has grown to include other states, particularly New York and New Jersey, which experienced massive flooding in Superstorm Sandy last year.

"It's no longer considered a Gulf Coast issue,'' Brister said. "Because of Superstorm Sandy, they understand.''

Brister was on the council's agenda Tuesday to discuss the "state of the parish.'' But her comments centered on the flood insurance issue, which has commanded the attention of countless area residents and business owners in recent months.

The Biggert-Waters Act was signed into law in 2012 with the hope of stabilizing the National Flood Insurance Program, which is billions of dollars in debt. It eliminates flood insurance subsidies to homeowners, as well as "grandfathering," which allowed properties built in accordance with previous standards to maintain their current insurance rates.

FEMA, meanwhile, has also proposed tougher new flood elevations in many areas of south Louisiana.

Brister said the coalition seeks to restore the grandfathering clause, and to have the FEMA maps amended to take into account local flood protection efforts. The proposed maps do not recognize the parish's levees or pumping stations, she said.

St. Tammany is among a number of parishes grappling with the potentially devastating effects of the Biggert-Waters Act. Across the metro New Orleans area elected officials and home and business owners have complained that their rates under the act and new flood elevations could increase to $20,000 or more annually.

Brister said there would be a "rippling effect,'' to such Draconian insurance costs. Homes would lose their value as their owners could not cover the insurance notes; banks would be stuck with bad loans; jobs would be lost; parishes would lose out on millions in tax revenue as assessments plummeted.

Brister said officials understand the goal of Biggert-Waters, and do support efforts to make the flood program financially healthy. But, she told the council, this is "too much, too fast and it's too drastic.''

Brister praised Louisiana's Congressional delegation for its unity and efforts to stave off Biggert-Waters. Earlier this month, the U.S. House approved an amendment to the bill that funds FEMA by Rep. Bill Cassidy, R-La., that would essentially block the implementation of Biggert-Waters.

Brister said she is confident the Senate will embrace the effort to block implementation, as well.

Our delegation in D.C. has "worked tirelessly to get us some relief. They must.''

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