
Friday, April 12, 2013

Contacting (or trying to contact) Your Elected Representatives....

One of our neighbors took the time and let us know that she attempted to contact her elected representatives.  This is how that worked out for her....

"The number for Schumer does not work; it rings, sounds like it's answered and then the call is disconnected without ever speaking with anyone.

Gillibrand's NY office advised that we call the D.C. office to register our comments at 202-224-4451, not NY -- I called and left my comments with the woman who answered.

 I called Senator Meeks line and before I could say why I was calling, was told by the fella who answered to call back in 30 minutes b/c he's on a long distance call."

Not being able to get through to anyone, she then dashed off the following email to all 3 elected representatives.

"Please be advised that although Super-storm Sandy was catastrophic for my family and me (we are still unable to return to our home), the silver-lining is having found out about the passage of the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act 0f 2012, and that it was passed under the cover of darkness by Washington politicians like yourself and your colleagues. 

It needs to be repealed because it promises to decimate coastal communities like mine. If no one was watching how aid to Katrina victims was spent, putting the burden on us is not the answer. I am an active voter and I will be sure that I let anyone I talk to know your role in this fiasco. I may not be powerful like you because I'm one of the little people, but I will fight this with all I have in me. And yes, I vote."


  1. Politicians avoiding the taxpayer, responsibilities and work? Ohhh - this is my shocked face....

  2. But they thought it was the solution. Amazing how they are always around before the voting, but disappear into the night once they are elected. This Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act 0f 2012, must be repealed. I have lived in my home since 1983, paid my insurance, etc and never had a drop of water. If I had taken the money, put it in an account I would have repaired my houes already and had some to spare.
