
Friday, March 22, 2013

From Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder

Billions in Sandy Relief Funding 
On Its Way!
Repair costs not covered by FEMA or Insurance Companies will go back in your pocket
Today, the city announced its plan to release $1.77 billion in Community Development Block Grants to provide immediate relief for homeowners and small businesses in our community. 
This grant will not only provide extra help to homeowners in their rebuilding stages, but will cover the complete costs of any remaining damage and pay the difference in expenses that were not covered by FEMA or your insurance companies. Further, if your home was a total loss, then the city will pay to have your home fully rebuilt and your foundation elevated. Additionally, small businesses will be eligible to receive up to $150k for loans or up to $60k in grant assistance. 
To apply for this new program, applicants will not be required to resubmit previous paperwork. All the information will already be provided to agents from preexisting  FEMA or SBA applications. 

This program is expected to begin in late May to early June.

efore the plans are finalized, the city has provided two weeks for public comments. You can read the full plan and offer your valuable input here.
After Sandy hit, I promised not to rest until every resident is back in their own home and I look forward to working with each of you until our community is completely recovered.


Phil Goldfeder
Member of Assembly 

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