
Friday, March 29, 2013

1.77 Billion in Sandy Aid...(From the Queens Chronicle)

From the Queens Chronicle....

$1.77 billion in Hurricane Sandy aid to go to home, business repair

Mayor Bloomberg announced last week his administration’s specific plans for some of the $1.77 billion in federal aid money for Hurricane Sandy.

The city released its proposal — Partial Action Plan A — aimed at helping homeowners and businesses recover beyond what was given to them as aid from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and homeowner insurance.

The plan for the $1.77 billion allocated from the federal government for Hurricane Sandy relief includes $720 million for housing recovery, $325 million for business recovery and $400 million for infrastructure.

In Partial Action Plan A, the city will use the federal money to redevelop devastated communities along the coast and assist renters needing assistance and some homeowners in the process of rebuilding with supplemental funds beyond what was already available to them through FEMA, insurance and personal savings.

“The idea is to make people whole again,” said Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder (D-Rockaway Park).

As part of Partial Action Plan A, the city will consider acquiring properties to develop a home or cluster of homes for residents who have damaged houses, but do not want to leave. The city will use the money to purchase properties at post-Sandy market values and redevelop the property. The city may assist homeowners who are temporarily relocated by redevelopment work in certain circumstances.

In some areas, the city will focus the money on redevelopment measures aimed at bringing homes or buildings up to code after the storm.

In limited cases, the city will use some of the $720 million dedicated to housing recovery to make up any differences in cost homeowners have after insurance and FEMA money.

Bloomberg also announced that the city was seeking to create a rental assistance program for renters who have been displaced by the hurricane. Under the program, the city will help households find affordable apartments. They will be responsible for renting costs up to 30 percent of income. For anything more, the city will use the funds to make up the difference.

Part of the action plan includes referring homeowners who wish to take part in the state buyout plan to the appropriate state agencies. Earlier this year, Gov. Cuomo announced the state would seek to buy out properties near the coast if homeowners should choose to leave rather than rebuild. The land will then be used to be developed into parkland or leave it undeveloped.

The action plan also includes help for businesses damaged in the storm. Three hundred twenty-five million of the $1.77 billion allocated will be put toward business recovery projects, including loans, grants and programs aimed at helping businesses prepare for future disasters.

Another $400 million will go toward infrastructure repair, while $327 million will be put toward “resiliency investments,” which Bloomberg said would be detailed in a future action plan.

The plan will only go into effect after a two-week public comment period that began this week and ends on April 4. Those interested in commenting on the plan or suggesting ideas can read the entire proposal and submit their comments at

Bloomberg said he hopes to have the funds dispersed starting in late May, early June.

The funding will be allocated through the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Relief program and administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. But if you’ve already paid for reconstruction work for your home, you would not qualify for the grants. HUD, the federal agency allocating the money, will not use any funds to reimburse costs for rebuilding efforts that have already been done.

Goldfeder said it is possible HUD could decide to use some of the money for reimbursements, but the Bloomberg administration would have to pressure it to change that rule.

“The city has to make the case to HUD,” he said, adding it was a request citizens can make during the public comment period.

The announcement came after Bloomberg called an end to the city’s Rapid Repair campaign, which began a month after Sandy and sought to make important fixes, such as installing heat and electrical systems, in damaged homes so residents can get to live in the house while permanent repairs are made.

“In the four months since it launched, Rapid Repairs has restored essential services to more than 20,000 residences, allowing nearly 54,000 New Yorkers to return to their homes where real recovery can begin,” he said

Bloomberg heralded the program as “a new model for disaster recovery that we proved can work.”

But it was not without its problems. Early on, a number of homeowners who scheduled work with Rapid Repairs complained of broken appointments and delayed construction.

The program went through some reorganization in January. Among the problems that were fixed was the fact that contractors would be assigned to jobs far away from each other — such as one in Staten Island and another in Rockaway the same day.

City records show Rapid Repairs did a vast majority of its projects in January, going from 3,000 buildings repaired on Jan. 1 to 9,000 at the end of the month.


  1. Rapid Repair nicknamed Rapid Destruction or Rabid despair caused more damage to some homes than it did good !!!!
    Also in order to get grants you have to live without kitchens and bathrooms and walls for months on end. We need to get our lives BACK NOW.

  2. Sophia Vailakis-DeVirgilioApril 4, 2013 at 11:42 PM

    The more I read, the more exasperated I get. First, it was a super-storm, not a hurricane, as per our Governor.
    Second, if "None of the NYCHA buildings sustained permanent structural damage due to the storm..." and they are "owned and managed by the government and therefore qualify for a different type of assistance from FEMA", then why would community centers need to be repaired when there are still so many families displaced because their homes were so severely damaged, yet the City proposes using $120 million for public housing from this block of money for said NYCHA buildings.
    Third, the terms for the proposed "restricted grants" are equaled in outrageousness only by how the insurance companies and banks have played games with money intended for damages.
    Fourth, it appears that people will be pushed further into debt, or out and out financial ruin (does the housing bubble debt levels not come into anyone's consciousness here?? Personal savings depleted, sba loans acquired, now loans through this plan on top of a mortgage...!) with the different classifications to qualify for assistance -- it looks as if loans are being pushed on Sandy victims here. Where's the help???
    Fifth, why must I be required to use contractors specified by the city when I have a contractor I trust and who will do as I want. Contractors provided by government programs are almost always sub-par and I won't have the same recourse if I'm unhappy with the work. Not to mention the red tape for any issues that would arise.
    Fifth, if my house needs major rehabilitation, how is it that the city would dictate what kind of a structure is built on my lot and why would it NOT be an in kind replacement? I would still be required to pay my mortgage, yet I have no choice? Isn't this America?
    Getting assistance from government entities that I have paid dearly to in the form of taxes and countless fees sounded wonderful until you read this plan -- and I'm only at page 55. I may encourage my husband to walk away from our house and let the bank take it after all because we have been fighting the bank to release money so we can properly fix our house, but flood insurance has provided woefully inadequate reimbursement and says our foundation damage is either due to wind or poor construction (they underwrote this policy for our house 3 times since 2003...). Therefore what we have gotten to this point will not fix our home so we can move back in, and DOB twice green-tagged our house since Sandy.
    Actions as outlined in this plan will cause wide-spread abandonment of properties in hard-hit areas, blight and financial destruction to countless families -- Great legacy pols. On the other hand, "strategic redevelopment" appears to be another term for land grab because I'm sure that neither buy-out option will pay people a realistic price for their properties so they can pay off a mortgage and be able to buy another home -- the fine print from the government is more double-talk. Please someone (even you technocratic pols), find your sense of right and wrong, and fairness, despite the fact that it seems this legalized manner to hose the public AGAIN in our lifetimes is not being watched for anyone to be held to account, but karma is watching.
    There is not enough time for me to finish reading this thing tonight and not enough room for me to fit all of my comments if I did finish.
