
Saturday, October 13, 2012

News From Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder (AD 23)

After witnessing the recent impact of the tornado in Breezy Point and Hurricane Irene last year, it is imperative that local communities join together in an effort to better prepare for potential future disaster.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Community Resilience Innovation Challenge Grant Program is now accepting applications and provides the perfect opportunity to help jump-start local neighborhood organizations and community partners to collaborate on ideas and find imaginative ways to move community preparedness forward.
For more information or to apply for this grant visit:
Rebuilding Rockaway Beaches
Earlier this year, with the help of Senator Charles Schumer, the Army Corps of Engineers agreed to allocate almost $4 million for the dredging of the East Rockaway Inlet. In addition, we worked with Mayor Bloomberg and the Parks Department to secure $3 million to place the dredged sand on our most eroded beaches across Rockaway. I am proud to announce that the contract has been awarded and the dredging is set to begin today!
Keeping Our Streets Safe 
In response to rising crime statistics and increasing concerns from local communities, I called on Mayor Michael Bloomberg to give the NYPD the tools and resources they need to be successful in keeping our neighborhoods protected. At its peak in 2001, the NYPD had a force of almost 41,000 whereas today they are hovering under 35,000. Our police force does an outstanding job with the very limited resources they are given, but the rise in crime and slower response time must be addressed in order to keep the officers and our families safe. 
Potential Funding for Rockaway Beach Rail Line 
I have stepped up my efforts to have the abandoned Rockaway Beach Rail Line completely restored by reaching out to the NYS Department of Transportation requesting they redirect $29 million in unused federal appropriations to fund a study for the restoration of the abandoned line. Residents of Southern Queens and Rockaway suffer with inadequate public transportation and unbearable commute times, it's time we invest in a project that will create jobs, help the environment and prepare our borough for future growth and development.
Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder 

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