
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What's up with the bay?

 Herring and Laughing Gulls have been feasting on killies which have been schooling close to the surface of the Bay for the past 5 hours. [These pictures were taken at 11:55 am, Tuesday, 7/26/2011] 

This morning I counted at least nine dead crabs (both large and small) floating in the canal.  After retrieving one, I could find no indication that it had been injured due to predation.
The water in the bay has been a pale shade of opaque green since Saturday.

I have contacted the DEP and advised them of these conditions and requested that they provide me with any information they may have regarding same.


  1. Algae bloom/oxygen depletion? Side-effect of sewage release in Hudson river?

  2. Sophia Vailakis-DeVirgilioJuly 30, 2011 at 10:09 AM

    A non-technical observation of the conditions of Jamaica Bay; it smelled like an untreated cesspool or a filthy porto-potty. I had a couple of dead crabs on my deck that also had no sign of trauma or anything else to explain why they had expired. So, just like the trusted proclamation of Christine Todd-Whitman the former head of the EPA about air quality around Ground Zero 2 days after the Trade Center went down, "We have not seen any reason — any readings that have indicated any health hazard." Really? ...And now we have the Zadroga act.
