
Friday, August 28, 2015

Between the Bridges in Broad Channel

Between the Bridges: We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us…

Kudos to our three fellow Americans who bravely intervened and stopped a potentially deadly terrorist act on a packed French commuter train last Friday by beating an Islamic terrorist unconscious with his own weapon and then hog tying him, awaiting a response by the French authorities.  Their brave and unselfish actions were promptly recognized by the French government and all three young men were presented with France’s highest accolade, the Legion d’Honneur medal, by French President Francois Hollande.  Great work guys!
That being said, take a moment if you will and try to imagine what would have happened if this same incident had taken place on an Amtrak train here in New York?
Sadly, there would have been crowds in the street screaming for their indictments claiming ethnic profiling and physical abuse – “They beat him senseless…,” “They tortured (hog tied) him…,” ‘this was nothing more than Muslim profiling…,” etc.
The media would be busy blaming the Second Amendment claiming this was a gun control issue.
Some politicians would be cringing in their office, actually praying that the terrorist was not a Muslim and simply some nut case out of fear of being asked a question requiring a response that might offend the Muslim community at large.
Elitist Professors hiding within our universities would busy themselves lecturing their students that this man is simply a lone guy who has issues, problems, psychopathic behaviors that escalated to the point where he wanted to get back at society, and he unfortunately snapped because they truly believe it would be an even greater tragedy if their cherished view of diversity were to become a casualty here.
Our own government would, as they have continually done in the past, intentionally avoid the use of any term, such as “Muslim,” “terrorist” or “Islamic,” so as not to offend anyone.  Remember Major Nidal Halik Hasan who murdered 13 and wounded over 30 back in 2009 at Fort Hood in Texas?  Of course you don’t.  Our government claimed that was nothing more than an incident of “workplace violence.”
We can no longer afford to countenance the pervasive and sophomoric mentality among our leaders, our educators and our media that assume the problems of the world must be addressed in a polite, politically and morally correct manner in order to understand our enemies and to ensure their ideas of “cultural diversity,” “political correctness” and “religious sensitivity” remain unchallenged by the truth. This foolish and dangerous mindset always brings to mind the cartoon character Pogo who is often quoted as saying – “We have met the enemy and he is us…”
Political correctness, cultural diversity and inclusion be damned, there is only one simple truth that must be constantly kept in mind and that is that if objective reality and its accompanying truth cannot be recognized and acted upon by those we have placed in positions of leadership and trust, then they no longer deserve those positions.
Broad Channel – Why would anyone want to live anywhere else?

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