
Friday, July 24, 2015

Broad Channel Bits (The WAVE)

By Dan Guarino

Outside my front window, which faces the bay, I see a lot of things. Trains going by at all hours, planes, small boats, swans and other birds, the tides rushing in and out. Most recently, I have seen a standup paddler gliding along, the Captain Mike fishing boat out of Howard Beach and, lately, a beautiful sailboat at anchor.
With so much to see right outside my window, sometimes I don’t know why I have a television.
If you are reading this paper on Friday, July 24, you will definitely want to come down to the Broad Channel Athletic Club Memorial Field and be part of the Shamrock Shuffle.
No doubt you’ll be lacing up your sneakers right now if you signed up by last weekend. For everyone else, come out, fill the stands and cheer everyone on.
At 6:30 p.m. there is a special Kid’s Run. They will be going once around the field. That’s for children under 13. There will be Kid’s Run ribbons for all participants.
At7p.m.thereisa3Milerace. The BCAC describes this as “flat and fast starting near the BCAC Clubhouse, running through the town.” It will be turning near the Cross Bay Bridge toll plaza and heading back to the field for a final lap around.
It’s all part of Broad Channel’s Mardi Gras this year and all proceeds go to support the BCAC’s youth sports and community support programs.
There will be an overall 1st Place award for the 3 Miler. There will also be first, second and third place awards for the top male and female runners in the different age categories. There will be the 12 and under, 13-15, 16-20, 21-29, 30-39, 40- 49, 50-59, 60-69 and 70 and over.
After the race there will be refreshments, awards, raffles and entertainment at the BCAC Field. The BCAC is sponsoring a number of fun fundraising events throughout the summer. Next up is a night of music with Wine With Sue on Saturday, Aug. 1, and a family movie night on Thursday, Aug. 6. Check out the BCAC’s Mardi Gras upcoming events on Facebook.
By the way, Rockapulco Run, which helped organize Friday’s race, had a great line on their website, which was designed by Cristina Costello. It says “No racers were harmed in the making of this site.”
There was great time had by all at the big block party on Saturday, July 18. I know this because I saw people limping to church on Sunday morning, saying “Boy, that was a great party!”
There was a very nice turnout for Sister Margaret Mary Kimmin’s celebration of her 50th year as a Sister of St. Francis, this past Sunday, July 19. Friends, family, neighbors and even old school mates came to St. Virgilius and joined with the parish congregation. It was a moving ceremony with plenty of reminisces, a few ‘only in Broad Channel’ laughs and quite a few emotional moments. The thundering applause followed Sister after she spoke from the heart at the podium of the church.
A lovely reception followed right across Church Road in the hall of Christ Presbyterian by the Sea Church. By the way, services are at 9 a.m. every Sunday at Christ Presbyterian. Drop in sometime. You will be more than welcome.
Our BC Library will be offering “Guided Meditation To Improve Well- Being” on Monday, Aug. 3, from 5 to 6 p.m. They will also have Free Blood Pressure Screenings on Tuesday, Aug. 4, from 4 to 5 p.m.
Mark your calendar with an artistic flair for Friday, Aug. 14, at the BC Library from 1:30 to 2:30. They are hosting “Find The Hidden Artist In You.” Artist Doug LeBlang shares tips and techniques in this painting workshop for adults of all ages. No art experience is necessary.
Space and materials, which will be supplied, are limited. So pre-registration is required. You can do that by going to the Queens Library website.
“It’s been 988 days since Hurricane Sandy!” Pete Mahon recently noted. Thanks, Pete. And just to update, it is now 999 days or two years, eight months and 26 days, since Sandy.
I have to thank Pete for his spot on updates on the West 12th Road Block Association webpage. This past week there were several crucial notices about the extreme heat advisories.
The Channel is blessed with several people who work very hard to keep us all updated, in the know and even sharing neighborhood news, history and reminisces.
Here are a few you will want to look up and enjoy: You’re Probably From Broad Channel, Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 260 Broad Channel New York, Broad Channel Volunteer Fire Department & Ambulance Corp, Broad Channel Civic and the Broad Channel Soapbox.
Our hats are off to the ladies and gentlemen who work so hard to make those e-centers of town life work so well. Don’t forget, the BC Vollies still need your donations. If you haven’t yet, put down this paper, write a check and get it to them. I’ll wait here till you get back.
Well, that was fast. Thanks!
Amazingly this past week traffic and trains were backed up in BC with tremendous numbers of people heading for the beach. When it comes to planning by the powers that be to avoid gridlock and platform overcrowding, one person had a brilliant comment. Paraphrasing slightly, they said, “It’s summer again. It’s hot and everyone wants to go to Rockaway. How could they possibly have seen this coming?!”
Got BC news? Send it to Thanks for reading

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