
Friday, June 19, 2015

Broad Channel Bits

By Dan Guarino

I got an email from Dan Mundy Jr. while I was at The Wave last Tuesday. He and some others were taking part in a volunteer planting over at 17th Road Park. Could I come over and possibly do a story? Sure, I said.
When I got there, quite a collection of equipment, plants and tools was already assembled and a good number of people were already hard at work transforming the park. The Jamaica Bay Eco-Watchers, Broad Channel Civic Association, the American Littoral Society’s Restoration Corp, BC residents, including some of my neighbors (hi, Marty) and NYC Parks personnel.
Dan told me the story behind the day was that he and his dad, Dan Sr., had taken NYC Parks’ new Rockaway Parks Administrator Portia Dyrenforth over to see the Sunset Cove site on the west side. The BC Civic is working with several jurisdictions on the project.
Along the way, they pointed out 17th Road Park, most of whose trees and plants had been killed off by Sandy. It would be great, they said, if we could get some flowers and plants going there.
Soon enough, Portia had brought in the Parks’ Queens head horticulturist and others. They and the Mandy’s came up with the plans and the plants and in no time had put together this group of people. Portia was also there, in every part of the park.
When people ask, I will tell this story, among many, and say “And this is how and why things get done inBroad Channel!”
As a side note, one evergreen tree has been planted and one more is coming. Just remember this next December, when we are all looking forward to a Christmas tree lighting.
Upwards of 20 trees are also due to come in, and Portia would like to repaint the fences around the ball courts.
Over at the BC Library this Friday, June 19, there’s a Design Your Own Lace Bracelet with Phyllis Ger. From 1:30 to 3 p.m. she’ll show you how to give ordinary cuff bracelets that chic designer look. Materials are included.
Grab your gear; it’s time to sign up for Shamrock’s football. Final registration is this weekend, on Saturday and Sunday, June 20 and 21, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the BCAC Memorial Field.
Don’t forget this Saturday the VFW is having a terrific barbecue. That’s June 20, from 2 to 6 p.m. at 713 Shad Creek Road. If you haven’t had the pleasure of basking in the post’s gorgeous backyard, now is your chance. Admission is $20 for adults and $10 for children. Children 4 and under are free. The message from the VFW says “Gather up your family, friends and neighbors and drop by the Broad Channel VFW for some lively music, stimulating conversation, great food, soda, water and beer while enjoying a refreshing light breeze off the bay....under a tent or an umbrella or out in the sun. All are welcome and it’s for a great cause!”
Mardi Gras season in Broad Channel has begun! The Broad Channel Athletic Club already has more than a dozen events lined up for the summer. We’ll talk more about those.
In the meantime if you’re looking for a good time to get your car cleaned for a good cause, next Saturday, June 27, is your day. Down at the BCAC Memorial Field there will be a Kiddie Car Wash kickoff event. It’s $7 a car, so bring a few.
As you know, since about 1908 Mardi Gras has been celebrated in BC as a summer-long marathon of fun fundraising events. Proceeds from Mardi Gras built the firehouse which still stands today. Every year as many people, groups, businesses and even blocks join in to raise as much money as possible for a worthy, non-profit neighborhood cause. Over the past few it has alternated between the Broad Channel Athletic Club and the Broad Channel Volunteer Fire Department.
Upcoming events will include an Irish night at a Brooklyn Cyclones game, a Summer Festival, a 5K Shamrock Shuffle, a concert under the stars, movie nights, an “Amazing Race & Scavenger Hunt,” Fundays and more. Get ready for fun!
Our neighbors in Breezy Point and Roxbury, like us, also have often elaborate homemade Mardi Gras parades on Labor Day weekend. When we were each mostly summer communities, these celebrations started as end of season farewells to friends and neighbors who had lived and laughed so closely together and would now be going their separate ways.
You may want to mark Saturday, July 11 with a boat, a fishing pole and an exclamation point. The Shad Creek Association is having its 21st Annual “It’s A Fluke” Fishing Tournament.
There will be a Captain’s Meeting/sign up at the SAC clubhouse, at 529 Cross Bay Blvd., on Thursday, July 9, from 5 on.
The contest starts at 7 a.m. sharp out on Jamaica Bay and ends at 3 p.m. Weigh-in is at the clubhouse and there will be a BBQ and beverages at the weigh-in party! There will be “cash prizes, a door prize, calcuttas and fun for all.” The entry fee is $30. Or $20 for the BBQ only. All proceeds go to keep the Association going.
For more info or if you have any questions, email or call Chris James at 917- 617-5283.
The 5th Annual Two Bridges Music Festival, born in BC, is coming to Grassy’s on July 11. It will be a day and night of music featuring some very good musicians from BC, Rockaway and beyond.
Here’s a blast from the past. The Wave published this BC item 30 years ago: “New York City’s “good” new budget includes $300,000 to design a library for Broad Channel. This library, says City Councilman Walter Ward (who described the budget as “good”) will be a portable, prefabricated unit set up in the vicinity of East 16th Road.”
Finally, it’s bicycle season. After you park, please remember to look before throwing open the driver’s side door.
Got BC news? Send it to
Thanks for reading.

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