
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

It's Gonna Get Cold!

Today marks the end of the "Dead of Winter", the one month period when "normal" temperatures reach their lower levels of the winter season.

That being said, don't get all excited and break out into your happy dance just yet. 

Later this week a blast of arctic air will bring us the coldest temperatures of the season thus far.  Frigid days will be followed by even colder nights with overnight temperatures dropping into the low single digits.

To add insult to injury, unlike previous arctic cold snaps, this one will be hanging around for awhile.  

Once the temperature drops below the freezing mark early this evening, we will not see temperatures rise above freezing again until sometime after next Monday's Washington's Birthday (President's Day) holiday.

Now is the time to make sure you have sufficient heating oil, propane and gasoline for your residence and vehicles and all your domestic water lines are protected and insulated to keep them from freezing, or worse, bursting.  

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