
Monday, February 16, 2015

Broad Channel VFW Sponsors a Very Special Valentines Day Dinner for our Veterans

VFW Prince-Wynn Post #260
705 Shad Creek Road
Broad Channel

Image result for veterans valentine sday

Did you know there are approximately 19.6 military veterans in the United States today and of that number, 1.6 million are women? Did you know that 3.6 million veterans suffer from a service-connected disability? The sad news is that many of our severely disabled veterans reside at VA Health facilities and tend to be forgotten by the rest of us as we go about our daily lives. 

One group of individuals who has not forgotten these veterans are the men and women from our local VFW Post #260 in Broad Channel.  This past Saturday our Broad Channel VFW Post hosted a Valentine’s Day dinner for two busloads of disabled vets from St. Albans Hospital who spent several hours enjoying a sumptuous home cooked meal followed by entertainment, games and lively conversations. 

The Ladies Auxiliary was on hand with big smiles to welcome the Vets to their Valentine's Day dinner!

Dinner over now it's off to the races!

And they're off!

A little music, a little dancing and of course, a hula hoop!

"Thanks for a great day!"

One vet couldn't leave without giving the "Chef" a big hug and kiss!

After the vets had left to return to St. Albans, locals gathered in the VFW Canteen to discuss what a great day it was!

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