
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Broad Channel Bits

By Dan Guarino
“’It is surprising how the increase in population has converted Broad Channel from a fishing station into a permanent residential section of over 3,000 persons’, said a stranger who had not visited the Channel for over five years, ‘and the grand character of the people who dwell on it...will soon make it a town in itself.’ What will it be in five years more?” –The Wave, July 24, 1909
And who knew what 105 years more would do?
Come out and enjoy what Liz used to call ‘breakfast for dinner.’ Christ Presbyterian Church is having its Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner this Tuesday, Feb. 17, from 5 to 7 p.m., at the church hall. There will be plenty of pancakes, sausages, applesauce, juice, coffee and cake. And you get to see the great-looking rebuilt church hall.
The CYO Boys Swim Team had a great potluck trophy dinner on Saturday Feb. 7 in St. Camillus’ Springman Hall. About 80 people attended the event. All the boys received a trophy and they also gave out CYO Olympic medals and ribbons, their most ever. The CYO Olympics is for the entire CYO boys swim league for Queens and Brooklyn. Kudos to all the families, organizers and parents who made this a great event for the boys. Kudos also to coaches Fred Ciappetta, Jim Mangan, Rick Sorrentino, Kieran Mills and Michael Wagner.
Now is the time if you would like to have an ad in this year’s BCVFD commemorative journal. The deadline is coming up soon. Also please reserve or purchase your tickets to this year’s historic 110th anniversary dance by contacting V/P Spinelli at 917-995- 2390or
The Vollies will be presenting awards and installing a new chief and officers. They will be celebrating at the American Legion with food, drinks and dancing. Also sign up now for the BCVFD 3rd Annual Getaway Raffle. The grand prize is an overnight stay at 5-star hotel, dinner in a fine restaurant andBroadway show tickets. And you get to pick your own dates!
There’s one evening left, Wednesday Feb. 25, to sign for BCAC baseball. Stop by the BCAC Clubhouse at125 Cross Bay Blvd. between 7 and 11 p.m.
There was good turnout for Rock For LLS at Grassy’s on Feb. 6. Three great bands, Poorhouse, Mr. Deal and Walker and the Brotherhood of the Grape, plus DJ Dan, made great music all in support of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Kristen Kim, who organized the event, is raising funds for LLS and will be running a NYC half marathon toward that goal.
Pete Mahon reports that there’s a big ‘ponding’ problem on West 12th Road. “There is a 13 foot mound of snow,” he says, “located at the bay end of West 12th Road in Broad Channel. The snow was deposited there by sanitation workers who plowed our street after the recent snow storms.”
“From what I have been able to ascertain, the DEP has precluded sanitation from the past practice of dumping this plowed snow into Jamaica Bay for environmental reasons. I guess DEP’s logic is that whatever pollutants may be present in this snow pile will somehow disappear by the time it is washed away by rain or melts in the spring, at which time it will all...wait for it....drain into Jamaica Bay! Consequently, the snow has now packed down and frozen over forming an “ice dam” which precludes run off from the street from draining out into the bay.”
Don’t be caught at the wrong end of high tide. Pick up a brand new Broad Channel 2015 Historical Calendar and get all the tide times and a lot of striking images of BC past. They are on sale at All American Deli, Rock N Roll Bagel, at BC Civic meetings, and from members of the Historical Committee.
Hit the brakes and sign up for the 6- Hour Defensive Driving Class being given over two Tuesday nights, March 3 and 10, from 7 to 10 p.m. at the St. Camillus School Auditorium, 185 Beach 99th St. Completing the course will get you a three-year 10 percent insurance discount off and up to four points off your license. Refreshments will be served; no test is given and proceeds go to support the St. Camillus CCD Religious Instruction Program. Your $45 payment now guarantees you a seat. Call Helen at 917-553- 2409 or 718-945-4648.
Congratulations to BC’s own Matt Smilardi over on Noel Road. Among other things, Matt has been very active in the Rockaway Theatre Company and the Rockaway Artists Alliance education program. The Partnership for After School Education (PASE), a child-focused organization that promotes and supports quality afterschool programs, is honoring Matt for his work with RAA’s kidsmART program. He’s one of five winners of 2015 PASEsetter Award!
Since winter is still upon us, and upon us and upon us, there are two videos you might enjoy. The West 12th Road Block Association blog recently posted “I Hate The Friggin’ Snow” with words and music by G. Salvia. The other is “Stop The Snow” which has fun lyrics, beautiful singing (all by one person!), arrangement and images, all by my good friend and Channelite Apryl Nebozenko. Brew up a hot coffee, tea or chocolate, snuggle under a throw and have a laugh at the videos on YouTube.
Finally, the American Legion threw a super Big Game party the other week. The Legion hall was filled, the food was great and the fun just flowed. Oh, and (almost) everyone enjoyed the game. Great party, American Legion.
Thanks for reading

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