
Friday, February 20, 2015

Broad Channel Bits (WAVE)

Broad Channel Bits

By Dan Guarino
It may not have been easy sledding for Broad Channel with the snowfall, ice, wind and single digit temperature days. But being on a train or at the top of the bridge and seeing the sweep of the Bay being almost completely frozen over has been amazing.
Jimmy Ferchland reminded us it was also fun. Early last week he posted photos, taken on the canal behind their house, of his son posing on the solid ice. Young master Ferchland looked very jaunty in his BC Shamrocks sweats and a big smile. Thanks.
Well, to start off the season of Lent, Christ Presbyterian By The Sea Church held a great Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. Pastor Deborah Mahaney commented, “We will worship with the congregation at St. Virgilius next door for a joint Ash Wednesday Service at 8:00 p.m.”
“This is a time for meditation and reflection,” she noted, “and I encourage members and friends to spend time each day reflecting.” She mentions there are number of texts and also online sources and apps which can serve as starting point for deeper consideration and understanding.
Shake your cabin fever this Sunday and come out for VFW Bingo. The post is kicking off its monthly games and will have door prizes, 50/50’s, raffles and more. Doors open at 705 Shad Creek Road, just offCross Bay Boulevard, at 12 noon. Games start at 12:30 and admission is $2. Coffee and cake will be served. Proceeds got to support the VFW and the good work they do with our veterans.
The BC VFW celebrated Valentine’s Day by entertaining two busloads of vets from the St. Albans Home at the post. They enjoyed music, dance, a great home cooked meal, gifts and lots of caring.
Not everyone may hear about all their good deeds, but BC’s VFW Prince-Wynn Post #260 has a heart at least as big as its building.
It’s time for BCAC spring soccer sign up. CYO St. Virgilius/St. Camillus/ St. Rose registration is Saturday, Feb. 21 and 28, and Sunday, Feb. 22 and March 1, from 1 to 3 p.m. and Wednesday, March 4 and 11 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. New players are welcome. No experience necessary.
Registration is at the BCAC Clubhouse at the Memorial Field125 Cross Bay Blvd. The girls’ teams cover first to eighth grades. The boys will cover first through eighth grade, pending registration results. Fees are $85 or $110 with a new uniform. Email for more info.
This Monday, Feb. 23, City Councilman Eric Ulrich will be hosting a Property Tax Assistance town hall meeting from 6 to 9 p.m. There will be representatives from the Department of Finance and the Tax Commission and Department of Finance to answer questions. With April 15 approaching, you may want to be there at the VFW Hall for this.
Next Thursday, Feb. 26, artist Jennifer Porcheddu will be leading a fun Paint Nite at the BCAC Clubhouse starting at 8 p.m. People always have a good time at these events. You can bring your own snacks and beverages to this adults only 21 and over event. Or help support the BCAC by purchasing snacks and beverage there. 50/50s will also be sold. All proceeds go to Relay For Life. Tickets available view/newyork/363
On Saturday, Feb. 28, the Vollies are on for their 110th Anniversary Dance at the American Legion Hall. This promises to be a big event with music, dancing, food and drinks, and they will be installing new officers and a new chief and giving out awards.
There is a very limited time to get an ad in this year’s BCVFD commemorative journal. Also reserve or purchase your tickets to this year’s event by contacting V/P Spinelli at 917-995- 2390
Last chance to get in on the BCVFD 3rd Annual Getaway Raffle. The grand prize is an overnight stay at 5 star hotel, dinner in a fine restaurant and Broadway show tickets. You get to pick the dates.
Sign up now for the 6-Hour Defensive Driving Class which will be given over two Tuesday nights, March 3 and 10, from 7 to 10 p.m. at the St. Camillus School Auditorium, 185 Beach 99th Street. Completing the course will get you a three year 10% insurance discount off and up to a 4 point off your license. Refreshments will be served. No test is given. Proceeds to go to support the St. Camillus CCD Religious Instruction Program. Your $45 payment now guarantees you a seat. Call Helen at 917-553-2409 or 718-9454648.
Buy a new 2015 BC Historical Calendar and get all 12 months for only $5! And you’ll get great photos and high tide times too! Pick them up at All American Deli, Rock N Roll Bagel, at BC Civic meetings, and from BC Historical Committee members, like me!
Finally, there is a family in need across the bridge. Kathryn Darcey and her son, Declan, 3, were hit by a car while walking home from Mass in Belle Harbor. Declan had a broken femur and is being kept immobile. Kathryn is still in hospital recuperating from knee and leg fractures and surgery to both legs and getting rehab to walk again. The family, including husband Jimmy and 9 month old son Brendan, is struggling with medical bills and expenses. If you help can go to and check under “Darcey Family- Friend In Need.”
Thanks for reading.

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