Pointing out the green shamrocks on the helmets and jerseys of the Broad Channel home team, one kid said, “Who are they?”
“The Irish?” the first player said. “They don’t sound that tough.”“
I think they’re called The Irish,” the other boy said.
I leaned over to both of them and said, “Then you haven’t met the Irish.”
In case you missed all the lights, music and fun going on at the north end of town, the first BC Fall Festival is on! Hosted by the American Legion and the Broad Channel Athletic Club it started up on Wednesday and Thursday and it is running Friday and Saturday, Sept. 26 and 27, from 6 to 11 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 28 from 5-10. The fun fair will have rides, games, food, music and more. Come down and enjoy. It’ll all be at the BCAC Memorial Field at 125 Cross Bay Boulevard.
The BCVFD Annual Ladies Softball Game is this Saturday, Sept. 27, 1:30 p.m. at the BCAC field, $20 per player includes after party at Ruffle Bar. Food, beer and refreshments will be sold. Proceeds benefit the Vollies. For information call Janine at 718-634-7235. Come on down, play or just watch. No coolers please. Lots of fun and laughs. Help support our Broad Channel Volunteer Fire Department!
The Shad Creek Association’s Annual Fall Pig Roast is this Saturday, Sept. 27 from 2 p.m. on. It’s $35 per person for burgers, hot dogs, brats, hors d’oeuvres, turkey, ham, veggies and more, and, yes, the pig. This is a grownupsonly event. Tickets at the door or call Bob Sacco 917-709-2892 or the club 718-634-1631.
Love those fall brunches? This Sunday, Sept. 28, the VFW is whipping up brunch from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The VFW is at 705 Shad Creek Road.
Next Sunday, Oct. 5, is the American Legion’s first fall brunch from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 209 Cross Bay Boulevard. The Legion Auxiliary’s and VFW’s ever cheerful servers and cooks will be rolling out eggs, omelets and pancake’s and the rolls, drinks, coffees and desserts. Out-oftowners welcomed!
The VFW Post 260 Flea Market is Saturday and Sunday, Oct.
4 and 5 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Interested in a table? Call Liz at
646-744-9230. It’s a great deal at $10 per day.
Parent meetings for the St. Virgilius/St. Camillus Religious Education Program on Wednesday, Oct. 1. The 3:30 p.m. meeting is at St. Camillus. The 7:30 p.m. is at St. Virgilius. Parents can attend either meeting. Students should register now. For information, call Sister Maureen Ahlemeyer at 718-634-8229
Hit the brakes! The six-hour Defensive Driving Class Point and Insurance Reduction Program is back. A $45 payment guarantees your seat at St. Camillus Springmannn Hall, 185 Beach 99th Street in Rockaway Park. The class will be on Wednesday, Oct. 8 and 15, from 7 to 10 p.m.
No tests and completing both nights of the class will get you a 10 percent discount off liability, collision and no fault insurance for three years and up to a 4-point reduction off your license.
Call Helen at 917-553-2409 or 718-945-4648. Proceeds help benefit St. Camillus-St. Virgilius Religious Instruction Program (CCD).
Christ Presbyterian by the Sea Church already has bookings for their newly rebuilt and reopened social hall. If you are planning a social event, shower, birthday party, wedding etc., you’ll want to check in and reserve your dates now. Call Joyce Adamiszyn at 718-479-3580 and leave a message.
Also, Sunday school starts Oct. 5. Stop by the church’s side entrance on Sunday at 10:15 a.m. for registration.
BC Scout Troop 282 meets every Monday at 6:30 p.m. Cub Scouts meet at the Legion Hall. Call Joe Panetta 917-238-1507 or Fred Ciappetta 718-877- 3467. Boy Scouts meet at the Shad Creek Association. Call Fred at 718-877- 3467 or Jon Paul Ravinia at 718-440-0565. There is open registration every Monday.
The St. Virgilius Senior Citizens Club meets at the Legion Hall every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. The St. Camillus Golden Age Club meets Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. in Springman Hall in Rockaway.
Last Saturday night, somebody decided to take a computer, chairs and other items out of a dumpster near the library, smash them up and leave bits scattered all over the park by the tennis courts.
Hey, if you are from here and did this, what would you say if somebody else came and trashed the Channel?
And if you’re not from here, go trash where you live. Stay out of BC.
Finally, thanks to Councilman Eric Ulrich, Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder and Senator Joe Addabbo for making sure that Broad Channel’s streets will get repaved. You may have read last week in The Wave that the FEMA-funded original plan only included a handful of streets and left out others. FEMA picked the streets and FEMA would not budge. That was not good enough for BC. Because we have dedicated public officials, and because they are working with superdedicated, level-headed people like Dan Mundy Jr. and the BC Civic Association, a way was found. The DOT agreed to pick up the rest of the streets.
Most all the other streets in the Channel, all damaged by Sandy, will be done under other programs and funds. This includes the street raisings on the West side and the rest of Cross Bay.
A special recognition to Queens DOT Commissioner Delia Hall. And a BC shout-out to Project Manager Bhavani Ravanan who understands our town and has gone above and beyond to do right by it.
Thanks for reading
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