Last Sunday a woman pulled up to the Q53 bus stop by 16th Road. “Where’re you going?” she said to her neighbor who was waiting there.
“I’m headed to church. Hop in! I’ll drop you off.”“I’m headed to the VFW,” the other woman said.
Hey, there’s a Flea Market in BC this weekend! Saturday and Sunday, August 23 and 24, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the American Legion parking lot, 209 Cross Bay Boulevard. Be there!
Forget about sleeping in on weekends. Once again Broad Channel picks up hammers, nails, paint and electric saws and gets ready for our very own home made Mardi Gras Labor Day parade.
Of course you will want to get your ticket for the $10,000 raffle before Sept. 1. After that, you are, yes, out of luck. Only 400 tickets will be sold, at $100 each. And besides the big prize, there will be smaller prizes, too. Contact Jack Allen at 718-318-3806 or Sabrina Gross at 347-804-2764. But do it now! You could be a winner!
Now is also the time to sign up your 3- and 4-year-olds for the curriculum based Broad ChannelEducational program. Half-day sessions from 8:45 to 11:45 a.m. Mondays to Thursdays will be held at Christ Presbyterian by the Sea on Noel Road. Contact Kerry at or Julianna regarding registration.
Before you know it, it’s time for Shamrocks football. (Who rocks? Shamrocks!)
Registration will be at the BCAC field from 6 to 8 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday. Practice has started, but there is room on each team.
Contact Gene Guttieri at or call 347-403-2591.
By the way, the BCAC meets on the second Thursday of every month at the clubhouse near the American Legion Hall on Cross Bay Boulevard.
Mind the tree pits! With the high tides and the work going on reconstructing West 11th, 12th and 13th roads, more people are parking on the Cross Bay median.
The BC Civic Association’s Beautification Committee would like to remind us all to be mindful of the tree guards, flower boxes and gardening handiwork there. A lot of your neighbors have put in a lot of time on these to beautify our town. They would be very difficult and very costly to replace. Thanks.
Assemblyman Phillip Goldfeder is bringing his mobile office to Broad Channel on Tuesday, Sept. 9 from 3 to 6 p.m. That’ll be at Rock N Roll Bagels at East 21st Road and Cross Bay Boulevard. If you have a question, issue or concern that the assemblyman or his staff can help with, come on down.
Nice article in the Daily News by Rachel Wharton on eating places in Broad Channel. Featured were Grassy’s, more formally known as the Grassy Point Bar and Grill, Rocco’s Pizza and All-American Channel Market. Living here we know there are a few other great places to get a bite in BC that are just waiting to be discovered. Of course, we already know about them!
The following item appeared 60 years ago in The Wave: “A 61-year-old construction worker was killed Monday when a 40-ton crane toppled over and pinned him to the ground during a pile driving operation on the new railroad bridge in Broad Channel.”
Recently a BC neighbor said to me, “I remember when that happened. We were kids. We went down to see. They had him covered up. I will never forget that.”
Noting yet another great barbecue over at the VFW on Saturday, Aug. 16. As always, a great time was had by all.
I came across a bulletin from St. Virgilius from June of this year. Amongst the parish news, announcements, schedules, prayers for the sick, etc. there was an interesting item that caught my eye. Titled “For The Ride Home,” it was a set of faithbased ideas “for families to share their thoughts (on) as they travel to and from church.”
In these last few weeks of very high tides, it has been suggested that this would be a good time to take the whole family shopping for new Wellington boots.
Congratulations to Dorothy Fraher, now marking one year and four months of being back home. I will never forget that day last summer when I came back to the Channel and pulled up in a truck in front of my new place. There was already a welcome ‘note’ from Dorothy stuck in my door. It was a picture of a cake. Written in icing across the top was “There’s No Place Like Home.” Thanks.
By the way, if you need a laugh, here is one courtesy of Dorothy.
A nervous man dials 911 and shouts into the phone, “Help! My wife is having a baby!”
“Alright, sir,” we can help,” the operator replied calmly. “Is this her first child?”
“No,” he exclaimed, “This is her husband!”
Finally, I had the great pleasure recently of giving Kate Ascher a personal walking history tour of Broad Channel. Kate and her family are renting a small house in Rockaway for the summer.
We had met at a Museum of Modern Art gathering for the Rockaway! exhibition. She expressed a great interest in Broad Channel and mentioned she was reading a great book on its history. That turned out to be Liz’s and my book, Images of America: Broad Channel.
Of course, our Ms. Ascher is no slouch herself in the book department. As requested through the Broad Channel Library, I am enjoying her books The Heights: Anatomy of a Skyscraper and The Works: Anatomy of a City. Both are fascinating. She also wrote The Politics of Privatization: Public Services.
From the Boulevard to the train station to the great view on the west side, we had a great time walking through Broad Channel’s 100 yearplus history. I hope my Channel knowledge was tip-top!
You can check out Kate’s books, a small part of her many accomplishments, just as soon as I check them back in!
Got an upcoming BC event? News or general info about your organization or anything going on around town? Send it to
Thanks for reading
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