
Friday, August 8, 2014

Boyleing Points (Rockaway Times)



Boyleing_Pts_BridgeWhat can I say? Sticker shock always inspires a column.
There were many a scam artist and price gouger in the wake of Sandy. It was just a few months after the storm when I went for a bite and a beer. Turned out, the beer was the bite. This local place, though not known as a watering hole, had the audacity to charge 6 bucks for a lousy bottle of Bud. I wanted to know if Anheuser or Busch themselves brewed this bottle.
Somebody wants to charge that for some artisan beer with hops and barley grown on somebody’s roof, ok, I get it. But a bottle of Bud?
My latest case of sticker shock happened off the peninsula. A 10-ounce draft beer at Peter Lugers? $7.65. And now I’m thinking, what would Beef Chip and Team Cyclops do? They’re the bar restaurant experts who write for this paper. What’s a customer supposed to do about a tip, if the price is a clear rip off? I left the change on the bar so my 10-ounce draft beer cost me $10. You do better at Yankee games.
Most times I don’t pay attention to prices. (If I did, The Rockaway Times might cost something). I don’t use coupons. I couldn’t run for office because I don’t know what a quart of milk costs. But I do have an obligation to report highway robbery.
Though speaking of highways – I hope that doesn’t trigger another letter to the editor from traffic-obsessed Rick Horan. He’s becoming another Larry Penner – which is an inside joke to anyone who reads letters in Queens’ newspapers.
Where was I? Peter Lugers, Peter Schmugers. $7.65 for an Amstel Light. Sheesh.
That’ll teach me to leave the peninsula.
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Boyleing Over: Suggestions come in from time to time about what to add to The RTimes. Some people would like to see crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and horoscopes.
Of course, some people already feel like reading Boyleing Points is enough of a crossword puzzle. What’s a six letter word for “not funny?”
Horoscopes take up too much space but some famous Leos – Mick Jagger, Madonna, Fred Marino, and Jerry Rea – have me wondering about astrology.
I met a mystic – I knew he was a mystic because it said so on his t-shirt – under the Freeway who said the stars for Leos this month were especially noteworthy because they formed some kind of triangle over the peninsula. He handed me a card.
The Leo Horoscope: Increased energy and a renewed feeling of confidence is with you now, so take advantage. Mars and Jupiter and the Dragon Boat are aligned for you to be the inspiration for others. A straight-forward approach is best now. You are at the height of your solar powers with or without Walter Meyer. The sun is in your house and you radiate it towards others. Be generous, offer sunblock to others. People will offer you a cold drink. Accept it.
I looked up and the mystic was gone. I wanted to ask if people believed this stuff, if it was worth putting in the paper in The Rockaway Times. All I know, is I saw some Leos later that day and they were shining.
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You can let me know if you want the Virgo horoscope next month. Or should I just work Soduku into this column?
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Hello Mary Teller, Maureen Hagner, Annie Graves and Mrs. Raphael!

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