
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Mid Week Snow Storm....

As of this morning it looks like we will be impacted by a winter snow storm Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. 

Right now the two major computer weather models, although both indicating snow, differ in the intensity and amount of accumulation.

The American (GFS) model is presently showing a moderate (1-3 inches)  snow for our area here in N.Y.C. but the European (ECMWF) model is indicating significantly higher accumulations.

Additionally, the most current National Weather Service 3-7 day U.S. Hazard Outlook (shown above) run is simply indicating "heavy snow" for our area Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Still plenty of time for things to change, and they will.

In any event, over the next 24-36 hours, the American and European models should start coming into agreement at which time a more definitive forecast of this pending weather event will be available.

By the way, not meaning to dampen anyone's "spring fever" but any accumulation we do get will be the wet and  heavy variety that is such a pleasure to shovel.

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