We have very mixed feeling about security cameras but it might be time for one atBeach 129th Street and Rockaway Beach Boulevard. The bus shelter there seems under constant assault. The glass is shattered on a regular basis.
The Rockaway Committee To Save The Ferry will host a “Thank You” press conference for Mayor de Blasio’s extension of the Rockaway Ferry on April 3rd at 6 p.m. at
Beach 108th Street and Beach Channel Drive.
On Monday, March 31st there will be a City Council oversight hearing about Build It Back. Eric Ulrich would be happy to have Rockaway homeowners testify at City Hall in person but realizes that might be tough for most. Short of that, he’d like to gather questions or comments. Please call, email, fax his office or contact him on Facebook.
Scam alert. If you get calls from someone alleging to be from the IRS, be careful! Initial contact from the IRS is usually by mail. Don’t give any personal information. To verify that the IRS is trying to contact you, hang up and call 1-800- 829-1040 or 1-800-366-4484.
The Beach 116th Street Partnership will be hosting a tree giveaway in the parking lot of Station Liquors on March 30th from 10 a.m.– noon. The group will be giving away 200 trees donated by the NY Restoration Project. People are encouraged to reserve a tree on-line: treegiveaways.com/b116sp. Walk-ups are also welcome on the day of the event, on a first come first serve basis. The Partnership will take reservations for up to 75 percent of the trees; those with reservations will be guaranteed a tree until 11 a.m. on March 30th.
Current community board member Milan Taylor, 25, is pushing for rules to be changed so that 16 and 17 year olds would be eligible to serve on Community Boards. We like it! But wait, are these youngsters going to be on the board for 50 years? Not if Milan had his way. He’s in favor of term limits for community board members. You might remember Milan from last week’s Wave. He was given a summons for having an air freshener hanging from his rearview mirror.
Bird wars? Those beautiful snowy owls that are visiting our beaches are described as excellent hunters and carnivores. And they eat smaller birds. Maybe piping plovers don’t have to worry about humans so much…We heard that one, yes one, plover showed in Fort Tilden after the dunes were washed away so now part of that beach will be protected.
We hear the Science and Resilience Institute is eyeing Floyd Bennett Field as its home. Bad move! That’s where buildings go to die. If it’s located anywhere near the actual bay it will be inaccessible by public transportation. And where will visitors go for lunch? We’d like to see it at Beach 108th Street where it could overlook Jamaica Bay, its laboratory. Public transportation, the subway and the ferry, could get visitors there. Students, scientists, academics, and day-trip visitors could also walk to the nearby ocean. Floyd Bennett? No, no, no. It’d be a shame if a science center started with a mistake.
The Wave is the little newspaper that could. City Hall cited The Wave for alerting them to the flood insurance threat. And other media outlets follow us just so they can break news! A little mention of Roberta’s pizza in Boyleing Points got other media outlets buzzing. As long as they’re paying for subscriptions, we don’t mind.
Police from the 100th Precinct recently confiscated four vans which were illegally operating as livery or dollar vans.
According to the Parks Department there will no wheelchair access to the beaches in Belle Harbor andNeponsit this summer. Sand replenishment must be completed before Parks can work out any kind of ramp system. Weeks Marine, the contractor doing the job, is supposed to start pumping sand tomorrow, March 22nd. But as far as scheduling, the company has been unreliable
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