A Return Engagement
Saving Jamaica Bay, the award-winning documentary film directed by David Sigal and produced by Dan Hendrick, will return from an extensive film festival run to Broad Channel on Oct. 26.
The 77-minute film will be the centerpiece of a first-ever “Jamaica Bay Night” at the American Legion Post 1404, located at 209 Cross Bay Blvd. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Jamaica Bay Night will feature discussions about the bay and opportunities to meet some of the many organizations working to improve this critical estuary. Participating organizations include the American Littoral Society, Broad Channel Historical Society, Jamaica Bay EcoWatchers, National Parks Conservation Association, New York City Audubon, PS 47 and Sadhana: A Coalition of Progressive Hindus.
The event is generously supported by Con Edison, the Jamaica Bay- Rockaway Parks Conservancy and Resorts World New York City, in partnership with the National Park Service.
Saving Jamaica Bay tells the story of how one community—led by a family with roots in the area stretching back more than 100 years—fought official neglect and Hurricane Sandy to clean up and restore the largest open space in New York City, which had become a dumping ground for garbage, sewage and bullet-riddled mobsters.
Narrated by actress Susan Sarandon, the film chronicles the local heroes who led the fight, and the tough decisions policy makers must face in this era of climate change. Released during this centennial year of the National Park Service, this important film symbolizes efforts to preserve urban nature and restore our nation’s neglected parks.
Since its world premiere in March, Saving Jamaica Bay has played in nearly two dozen film festivals, from Washington D.C. and Palm Beach, Fla., to Portland, Ore. and Kuala Lumpur, Indonesia. The film was named Best Documentary at the Chautauqua Film Festival, and received audience awards at theQueens World Film Festival and the Princeton Environmental Film Festival.
Saving Jamaica Bay will screen on public television in February 2017 on Channel 13/WNET and Channel 21/WLIW.
Jamaica Bay Night is FREE and everyone is welcome, but registration is requested. Please visitwww.savingjamaicabay.com to RSVP.
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