
Sunday, June 28, 2015

VFW Pig Roast and BBQ - July 11th

VFW Prince-Wynn Post #260
705 Shad Creek Road
Broad Channel



July 11th, 2014
2:00 pm - 6:00 PM

Adults: $20
Children: $10
[Tykes 4 and under can sneak in free!]

Bring your family and friends and enjoy yet another VFW Post BBQ, replete with the requisite hot dogs, hamburgers, beverages, a great view of the bay and the Manhattan skyline and, of course, a fabulous Pig Roast!

Now before you start thinking to yourself “C'mon, it’s just another BBQ” consider the following. A Pig Roast or “Hog Cooking” as it is often referred to, is an ancient tribal ritual practiced around the world.  Although around these parts the words alone invoke casual summertime pleasure ( the taste of ice cold draft beer, the smell of wafting smoke infused with the aroma of cooking pork, the comfortable feel of a soon to be greasy T-shirt, the ubiquitous summertime sound of flip flops, the constant (and annoying) questions of “is it ready yet?”, etc.) they tend to overshadow the fact that, in reality, a pig roast is an elaborate community affair requiring ingenuity and copious amounts of elbow grease.  

Think about it…you have to dig the pit days before the roast - no easy feat in itself, fire it up in the wee hours on the morning of the roast to get the stones and charcoal hot without burning the block down, dress and wrap the pig and put it on the hot coals without causing burns to yourself or others, bury the pig with insulating dirt and then let it cook low and slow for…..well... the pig will be ready when the pig is ready.  Remember, the pig is in control, not you…the pig abides! 

Of course, then there is the fun part.  You dig up the pig and eat it!  If you have never enjoyed roast pig before, stop by the V.F.W. Saturday, July 11th, and you are in for a special treat. This is not just another BBQ, it’s a PIG ROAST, a veritable sensory overload of pork gone hog wild!  

Of course, in addition to the roast pig there will be the usual BBQ staples of cold beverages, hot dogs and hamburgers with all the fixings for those of you who may be too timid to sample a recently unburied cooked dead pig.  And for all you Vegetarians and Vegans out there we will also have the requisite rabbit food - corn, salad and watermelon, but, c’mon…why bother?  $20 for adults, $10 for children and tykes 4 and under can sneak in free!  All are welcome. Don’t miss it!   As always, all proceeds will go to benefit our veterans.


All proceeds will go to benefit our veterans!

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