
Thursday, December 18, 2014

The High Tide: Happy Hanukkah



highTide wood - color
The Rockaway Times is hiring.  (Sorry, it can’t be your first job)  You’ve got to go online to get details. Go to or go to craigslist and search for “Rockaway” in the jobs section.
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You can slow down, risk it or trick it. Traffic signs have finally gone up indicating the “photo enforced” 30 mph speed limit before the speed camera near Beach 106th and Beach Channel Drive. Right behind the speed limit sign is a strategically-placed advertisement for photo-blocking license plate covers. The covers are illegal and are considered an equipment violation, but the company claims their customers that use the product have never reported receiving a summons.
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Nonprofits are required to submit their financial statements and other information — including the salaries of directors, officers, and key employees — to the IRS.
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If you’re interested in how much money a non-profit takes in and where the money goes, you can check out Guidestar,org.   IRS Form 990 is a tax form that most tax-exempt organizations must file annually.  It’s all there. 
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Speaking of non-profits…StopFemaNow reports that there are 22,000 flood zone communities in the country. Millions of people are being added into the flood plain and don’t even know it yet.  Recognizing that there is strength in numbers, StopFemaNow is trying to alert these people to the new realities of crippling flood insurance premiums.  It costs time and money to get the message out.  If you’d like to help, you can donate at Or send a check payable to: StopFemaNow, 1358 Hooper Ave, Suite 111, Toms River, NJ 08753
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In the no-big-surprise department: The airlines explain away fare hikes all the time because of rising fuel costs.  We don’t see them offering any bargains when gas prices plummet.
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Time flies.  This week’s edition of The Rockaway Times marks our Sixth Month Anniversary.  We’d pop the champagne but there are just too many parties this time of year.  We can’t take it.
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Early deadlines.  Because of Christmas and New Year’s we’ll be publishing on Wednesdays the next couple of weeks.  As a reminder advertisers and columnists – please get your stuff to us early-early. 
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Bianca Fortis, who started with us way back in the crazy old days, and wrote some really fine stories is leaving for bigger and better things (at least she gets a better title).  Bianca will be Manager of Digital Media at the Coalition for the Homeless.
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Smiling Steve comes by the Rockaway Times booth insisting he’s got the goods to write a humor column.  He doesn’t have email but he is persistent. Somehow he got his musings sent to us and we figured his persistence had to be worth some ink.  We think he has about a ten percent hit rate on the funny bone.   See for yourself in Smiling Steve’s guess appearance in this week’s RT.
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Donna Miley-Figueroa has collected toys for needy Rockaway families again and will be distributing them at 3 p.m. at The Wharf on Saturday, December 20. Doing it for the third season, Figueroa collected toys for three specific families this year and any leftover toys will go toward the community. For more information about donating, find the “3rd Annual Rockaway Toy Drive” on Facebook.
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The amazing Rockaway Artists Alliance is at it again.  GIFTED is the new show now going on at Fort Tilden.  Go see and enjoy. The show runs Saturdays and Sundays from 12-4 until January 18th, in Building T6.
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A little bit of rain didn’t dampen spirits at the Menorah Lighting on Beach 116th Street, Tuesday.  Songs were sung, hot chocolate and donuts were enjoyed.  And the commercial strip is now that much cheerier.
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You don’t have to be a runner to suit up and have some fun at the Santa Shuffle this Saturday.   Santa himself doesn’t look like much of a jogger.  Run, jog, walk, whatever.   We bet you smile the whole time.

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