Broad Channel Bits
Father Ahlemeyer’s homily at Mass was based on the words of Matthew 22:14. He explained the Gospel’s words, “Many are called, but few are chosen,” by relating the story of a chicken and a pig.
They decide to throw a breakfast. With the help of eager kids in congregation, Father Richie related that this breakfast menu would consist of eggs, bacon, sausage and ham.
“Wait a minute,” says the pig, “we need to rethink this whole breakfast thing.”They decide to throw a breakfast. With the help of eager kids in congregation, Father Richie related that this breakfast menu would consist of eggs, bacon, sausage and ham.
“Why?” says the chicken.
“Well, for you this is just a donation. Me, I have to make a commitment.”
Makes you look at brunch in a whole new way.
What’s coming up? Well, don’t miss Oktoberfest at the Anabas Boat Club this Saturday, October 18, from 2 p.m. till. There will be sauerbraten, potato balls, red cabbage, bratwurst, turkey, hot dogs (okay, German pun coming through—“Frankfurters”), clam chowder and more. And there will be music by famous DJ Jeffery. All for only $25 per person.
The Anabas is at 1820 Channel Road, which runs just behind the tennis and basketball courts and 17th Road Park. Get your German on and go have a great time.
Don’t forget Broad Channel Historical Day on Sunday, October 19, from 12 to 5 p.m. All are welcome to come to the VFW, 713 Shad Creek Road, just off Cross Bay Boulevard. Channel history really does come alive in the hundreds of photos, documents and other items. Don’t be surprised to find more than a few happy reminisces, stories retold and one or two lively debates on places, people and events. You don’t have to be from Broad Channel to love this stuff.
All are also invited to bring photos, documents and memorabilia to add to the collection. Items can be copied and then returned if you like.
This year’s Jim and Claire Hanning BCAC Golf Outing will tee off at 8 a.m. on Friday, October 24, Forest Park golf course. This year they will be honoring Frank George. It’s $600 per foursome and $150 per person. Sponsorships are $150, $300 and $500. A party will follow at Bungalow Bar restaurant at 4 p.m., only $50. Contact Ricky Guttieri, 917-825-9263 or John Blake, 917-685-3850
Stephanie Wagner would like to light up Broad Channel for Christmas. Each year since the hurricane, she has made it her mission to get those decorations shining up and over the boulevard for all to enjoy.
To raise funds for Broad Channel Christmas Lights 2014, there’s a super $5,000 Giveaway raffle, with nearly $10,000 in cash prizes total.
It’s $50 a ticket, but only 400 tickets will be sold. So you’ve got a pretty good chance of winning! May the odds be ever in your favor?
Drawing will be at the Bungalow Bar on November 22 at 8 p.m.
(While you’re there have a drink; it’s my mother’s birthday.)
Donations of every size are also accepted at bclights. It’s never too early.
It seems to me I read somewhere, “that which you have done for the least of these, you have done for me.” Knowing what it’s like to be cold in Broad Channel, it’s easy to know what a miracle a winter coat can be for someone. We also know the kindness and help of others. St. Virgilius and St. Camillus, and other BC and Rockaway locations, have drop boxes for gently used women’s, men’s and children’s coats. Check your closets. Maybe there’s a small miracle or two in there, just waiting to be shared.
Progress has been made, as evidenced by the jump in building, repair and house raising activity in the Channel. Nevertheless, citywide nine out of 10 Build It Back applicants haven’t seen any help yet.
Thanks go to Broad Channel’s Bob Badamo, Robin Lopez and Gene Guttieri who spoke for many when they were interviewed by CBS Channel 2 News reporter Carolyn Gusoff about this.
Likewise Lenny DeVirglio, along with his wife Sophia and their daughter, and Palmer Doyle, who spoke to local Fox 5 News.
Sandy was a storm that raged from the Caribbean to Canada. We do not know how many other communities across that vast sweep were devastated like ours. But there were many. Hundreds of thousands of people were left to pick up the pieces like we were. At what number does the word “Emergency” begin to have any meaning or swing considerable resources into action?
As they say in the military, “Get it done!”
By the way, I finally heard back from the Department of Housing Preservation and Development. They said my income was above the limit, (funny, because SBA turned me down for making too little) and that I “didn’t have a burden.”
To date, other than what Allstate paid out for my submerged car, I have received approximately $1,100 from my insurance and absolutely no assistance whatsoever from any program in any direction. Not FEMA. Not SBA. Not Build It Back. Thanks.
The weather turned out great Sunday for the VFW’s Flea Market. A little too windy to have it outside, but it was a success. Heavy rains put a big damper on it the weekend before, even cancelling one day. But they soldiered on and decided to do it all again!
Speaking of which, they mentioned a number of people had heard about the event in The Wave. So if you have something going on, let me know! I’d tell people about it beforehand so they can come down rather than report about it the next week after it’s passed.
Anyway, nice to see good friends Dennis and Chrissy Macrae and family at the VFW.
Finally, a lot of people were unsure, even The Wave, when houses first began to be raised in the Channel. I recently passed by 120 Noel Road, which I wrote about in October, 2013. And I spoke with the owner. It looks great.
Thanks for reading.
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