I am checking the after-summer sales to see if the towel comes with a matching pillow case.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Channel…
Broad Channel’s own Matt Smilardi and an amazingly energetic Rockaway Theatre Company cast knocked the socks off the opening night audience for Godspell last Friday. If you have not reserved your ticket, put down this newspaper and go do that. Go towww.rockawaytheatrecompany.org or call 718-374-6400. It’s okay, I’ll wait till you get back.
… oh, you’re back. Following Godspell, RTC’s next production is Damn Yankees. If you’ve never been down to experience this fantastic theatre company, do yourself a favor and ‘discover’ them. If you have, come down and bring others.
Just to mention, one of the favorite features in this year’s Mardi Gras parade were the two boxers in trunks, robes and gloves. The ‘referee’ held up a card announcing their entry as “Rocco’s vs. Tommy’s Pizza Battle.” Hands down, people thought it was hilarious — and so did Broad Channel.
Meanwhile, I hope you made it to the 2nd Annual “1/2 Way To St. Patrick’s Day Party” on Thursday, atRuffle Bar. Corned beef and cabbage as well as beer and drink were on tap. Oldies, requests and Irish favorites were rolled out by DJ K Tunes.
Did you know there’s an American Legion Brunch coming up? From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BC Legion’s Auxiliary will be rolling out the eggs, coffee, omelets, desserts, pancakes and rolls on Sunday, October 5. A perfect way to enjoy an October morning!
The Legion is located at 209 Cross Bay Boulevard, in case you are coming from out of town.
Also that weekend VFW Post 260, is having a Flea Market. That’s on Saturday and Sunday, October 4 and 5 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you are interested in a table, call Liz at 646-744-9230. It’s a great deal at $10 per table per day. The VFW is located at 705 Shad Creek Road.
Mark your calendars in pumpkin orange and witch’s cat black.
The Legion Auxiliary is gearing up for their 2nd Annual Halloween Party on Saturday, November 1. More information to come.
Last year’s party was a riot of color and costumes and fun. I am actually out looking for a mask now…in case they ask me to be a judge again.
All the proceeds for Legion and VFW events go to keeping the organizations going and their services to our veterans going strong.
America now has more returning veterans than at any time since World War II. The transition to civilian life is not always an easy one, especially during less than great times back home. If you are a vet or know a vet, contact these two fine Broad Channel organizations. You’ll be among people who know exactly what you’re talking about.
Christ Presbyterian by the Sea Church Social Hall is now fully renovated and reopened. It has been some job, done by dedicated volunteers, to bring back from the ravages of the storm. But now everything inside is freshly painted, too.
So if you are looking for a hall to rent for social events, showers, birthday parties, weddings, etc., you found it. Contact Joyce Adamiszyn at 718-479-3580. Leave a message and get your dates in now.
Interested in the Scouts? Broad Channel Scout Troop 282 meets every Monday at 6:30 p.m. Cub Scouts meet at the American Legion Hall, 209 Cross Bay Boulevard. More details? Call Joe Panetta at 917-238-1507 or Fred Ciappetta 718-877-3467. The Boy Scouts meet at the Shad Creek Association at 529 Cross Bay Boulevard. Call Fred Ciappetta at 718-877-3467 or Jon Paul Rasinya at 718-440-0565 for more information. There is open registration every Monday.
Last Monday the BC Library got a thorough outside clean up and an allaround trim. Say something nice if you stop in.
By the way, I just finished one of the great Playaway books on audio from our library, All These Years: Tune In by Mark Lewisohn. Forty-four hours later, I now know more about the Beatles than they do. And that’s just Volume One! Playaway books come already recorded on a small player, like an iPod. Just hook up your ear buds, headphones or car audio and go!
The St Camillus-St Virgilius CYO Boys Swim Team registration is on for one more day. This Friday, September 19, at 4 p.m. at the Far Rockaway High School pool. The cost is $175 per child. Make sure your child wears a bathing suit, as there will be practice! Call 917-435-9094 for more details.
The St. Virgilius Senior Citizens Club meets at the Legion Hall every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. The St. Camillus Golden Age Club meets on Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. in Springman Hall in Rockaway.
The Flood Mitigation Project is ongoing on the west side. Watch out for parking restrictions as work continues. Designated space is available on the Boulevard.
By the way, can anyone use a whole mess of plastic hangers? As I am clearing out the storage I rented after the storm, there are things which I can’t use or fit, but I don’t want it to go to waste. I am driving my neighbors nuts by hauling them back from the curb on garbage days.
They are yours if you want them. Just come by and pick up the whole beige gray bin at the side of my house, at 1430 Cross Bay. Put them to good use!
Thanks for reading
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