Hipster Hate Is Counter-Productive

There’s a growing negative response to the influx of people moving to – or visiting -- Rockaway, and others predicting a “contrived faux bohemia” as the future of the peninsula.
Not all of the rhetoric is negative, some have embraced the new culture, see the arrival of commerce – desperately needed post-Sandy -- and what it can do to help the community.
Sadly, the negative responses are the most vocal, even at community board meetings, and as far as The Wave is concerned, counter-productive.
As people come from all over the city to enjoy Rockaway, the peninsula should be welcoming – even to those who may not be as respectful or aware of the “rules” and / or culture that is prevalent here. Whether it is higher-priced concessions or pizza joints that only sell by the pie and not the slice, it’s all money that gets pumped into the local businesses and as a direct byproduct, the local community.
Rather than being hostile to these folks; especially the ones moving into Rockaway, choosing to live here and make homes here, why not try to adapt?
At this point, with much of the area still trying to maintain and build with what little incentives the city, state and federal government doles out, wasting energy on divisive rhetoric seems foolish.
We’re not saying you have to hug a hipster, but trying a handshake might do just fine.
Don't shit where you eat.....