
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Filmmakers Seek Your Film

Do you have home videos or compelling photographs of Superstorm Sandy – either during or just after the storm hit? If so, the “Jamaica Bay Lives” crew would love to connect with you. “Jamaica Bay Lives” is the first-ever, feature length documentary film about the bay.
In production since 2011, the film will cover the bay’s history, environmental issues and local residents’ way of life. The film crew is looking for video and photos as Sandy was building, during the night/day and then immediately after. Ideally the footage should include the bay - for example, the ocean meeting the bay or streets flooding into the bay – or come from neighborhoods nearby such as Broad Channel, Rockaway, Howard Beach, Marine Park, Gerritsen Beach, Canarsie, Springfield Gardens and Rosedale. Video camera footage, cell phone videos and photographs are all welcome. All donated footage will get a credit in the film. We can collect the footage via email or we can pick it up from you if needed. For more information, contact or (917) 207-8715

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