
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Build it Back Newsletter - "Just more talk and still no disbursements!"

Here is the latest newsletter from the NYC Build It Back program, or as one of our neighbors has described it:  "Just more talk and still no disbursements!"

As NYC Build it Back is working hard to get New Yorkers back into safe and sustainable housing as quickly as possible, we want to provide you with some recent program highlights and updates.Email not displaying correctly?
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NYC Build it Back: Stronger & Safer. Stronger. Safer. Together.

In this Newsletter:

  • More Customer Service Questions (and answers)
  • NYC Build it Back Visits Gerritsen Beach with State Senator Marty
  • Golden
  • Build it Back Center Closures
  • New Year’s Hours

More Customer Service Questions (and answers) 
Why has my priority changed?
We prioritize applicants based on level of damage and financial need, as based on Area Median Income (AMI). Those with the most damage and highest financial need will receive a higher priority.Your priority may change during the application process as we verify your household income and the level of storm damage to your home. (Note: If you are a landlord, the program will collect information about your tenants' income.)

For more information about your priority, please review our Priority Fact Sheet.

What happens if I have ongoing construction in my home? Will I still be eligible for Build it Back?
If your home is currently undergoing construction work, Build it Back requires that you stop or complete the work before your Damage Assessment. Build it Back will not be able to perform a Damage Assessment unless all in-progress repairs are completed or stopped.

If you would like to begin or continue doing work after your Damage Assessment has been performed, your eligibility may be at risk.

If you are determined to be eligible for the Repair program, Build it Back will not be able to begin working on your home until you have closed any open permits your property may have.

I am concerned about my mortgage. How can Build it Back help me?
 Build it Back offers counseling referrals to eligible applicants who may need additional assistance moving their application through the Program. Build it Back’s Counseling Program may be able to provide support for the following issues related to a person’s application:
  • Delinquent Mortgage and Foreclosure
  • Title issues
  • Replacing lost/difficult to obtain documentation
  • Issues with documentation of income
  • Insurance issues
  • Landlord issues
  • SBA Loan issues
  • Denial of FEMA benefits
  • Victims of illegal practices
  • Program option selection
 You may request counseling services or they may be offered to you when speaking with a Housing Recovery Specialist at a Build it Back Center. One of our Customer Service Representatives may also suggest counseling to you over the phone. After you have been referred, you can expect a call from a Build it Back counselor to schedule a meeting.

Applicants in need of services outside of the scope of the Build it Back program may be provided with a referral list of other City and nonprofit support services. Our full list of FAQ’s can be found here.

NYC Build it Back Visits Gerritsen Beach with State Senator Marty Golden
In partnership with State Senator Marty Golden, NYC Build it Back visited PS 277 in Gerritsen Beach to update residents about NYC Build it Back. Our staff gave apresentation catered to the community and updated every individual resident on their application status. We will hold more sessions like these in 2014.

Build it Back Center Closures 
As the year comes to a close, we are planning on consolidating day-to-day functions into our five busiest centers. Part of this plan is to close our operations at the South Shore Build it Back Center at Mt. Loretto and the Bronx Build it Back Center at the Community Board 10 offices in the Bronx.

We will also be leaving our site at 68-20 Rockaway Beach Boulevard for a new center
at 10-01 Beach 20th Street in Far Rockaway. The hours for the new center will be8 am to 8 pm from Monday to Friday and from 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays and Sundays. We expect to have our new center up and running shortly after the new year.

New Year’s Hours 
NYC Build it Back Center Schedule:
December 31st
8:00am – 2:00pm

January 1st

NYC Build it Back Customer Service Schedule:
December 31st
9:00 am – 5:00 pm

January 1st
Closed, but callers may leave a message.

Contact Build it Back Customer Service at (212) 615-8329 You may also call 311 and ask for NYC Build it Back Customer Service.  

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