Dear Friend-
We have good news about flood insurance.
My colleagues and I secured a vote on the bipartisan, comprehensive bill that delays the most aggressive rate increases until FEMA conducts its affordability study, certifies that flood maps are accurate and gives credit to local levees and flood control structures.
Your pictures and letters as part of the My Home, My Story effort, proved to skeptical senators that this is not about millionaires with beach front property. This is about hard working, middle class Americans like Eleanor in Metairie, William in Mandeville, and Rachel in Lafayette. They represent the 486,000 Louisianians who built to code, played by the rules, and rely on affordable flood insurance so they can live where they need to work to provide the energy our country needs, keep commerce flowing and make the products we need to grow our economy. We owe it to them to get this right.
This bill will come up for a vote in early January, and we will need your help to make sure is passes. Together, we can win this long and hard fought battle for middle class families.
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