Associate Editor
December 25, 2013
SWANSEA — Projections of higher flood insurance costs for those considered in the flood plain, as well as an anticipated increase in the number of properties in the new flood plain maps, was a topic of the Board of Selectmen last Wednesday evening.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maps have been in the works for some time and the Conservation office at the Town Hall Annex has the preliminary ones. The maps have changes that put more properties in the area that could require flood insurance if the home still has a mortgage. Ms. Brown noted that she has 19 maps highlighting areas of the town.
According to the figures gathered at FEMA, there were approximately 1,460 properties in the flood zone in 2009, including 812 structures (anything from a home, garage to a shed). The preliminary maps now show 1,594 properties and 1,012 structures in the flood zone. Those preliminary maps are expected to be finalized.
Selectman Chairman Robert Marquis noted that insurance costs for some in the flood plain are seeing rates that would have them pay $4,000 to $8,000 a year. Conservation Commission Agent Colleen Brown has heard of higher, but added that modifications to the home could reduce the number.
The flood zone has been changed in coastal communities as well as those on rivers that are subject to flooding. Large losses after significant storm events have resulted in FEMA reviewing its maps.
The selectmen urged residents who feel that they may be in the flood plain, to make themselves aware of the costs and options they have.
It was pointed out that the procedure for the town to accept the flood zone would take a Town Meeting vote.
Ms. Brown noted that if the town does not accept the flood maps it would result in no longer being part of the National Flood Insurance Program, and that would affect any FEMA funding for losses such as roads, bridges and other assistance after a storm. She added that those with mortgages might be expected to carry flood insurance in any case.
In a email to her from the flood hazard mapping coordinator, it was emphasized that whether or not Swansea adopts the new maps has no effect on whether the banks will be using them. It was further noted that the federal flood insurance is less costly than the alternatives.
Selectman Scott Ventura noted that his property once fell under the flood zone and he contended that and the map was amended. It was pointed out that to make a case you would need the proper engineering and professional evaluation of the property that can be presented.
Ms. Brown noted that the preliminary maps are available for review at her office. She had pointed out that there was interest when the maps were being discussed earlier in the year and expected more so when the time comes for the town to decide whether to accept them in May. The final maps may be ready later in January.
The conservation agent has been trying to arrange a meeting between FEMA representatives and the town, but was informed that the sequester reduced funding for travel. That meeting is still being arranged and would likely include Somerset and Fall River at the same time.
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