
But if there are any words I will be happy to never write again, they will be “This weekBroad Channel says goodbye to…”
And so this week we say goodbye to John ‘Jack’ Tubridy of Broad Channel. I think we can truly say the Tubridy’s of Broad Channel, because some families, some people, are synonymous with the Channel. And it would not be Broad Channel without them.
Jack passed away at home early on Saturday, December 21st. He was certainly the family patriarch and by all accounts lived a life we should all be lucky to say we had lived someday. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire family.
Earlier this year we lost Jane Tubridy, just before Easter.
In lieu of flowers the family has asked that donations be made to the “Catholic Foundation Mills Endowment” in care St. Virgilius RC Church, 12 Noel Road.
I will miss my neighbor across the road who, whenever I waved from my side, would wave back from his. Now whenever I come out of my house and look across, someone will be missing.
Don’t forget you can still contribute to keeping the Christmas lights shining over Broad Channel for years to come.
You can donate to the Broad Channel Cross Bay Lights Fund by going towww.wepay.com/donations/bc.christmaslights or mail a check payable to the BCAC to: Stephanie Wagner,79 West 18th Road, Broad Channel, NY 11693.
Stephanie’s goal to pay for, install and maintain the holiday lights over Cross Bay is $10,500.
That will cover this year. All that is collected above and over that amount will be put toward making sure the lights come on again above Broad Channel next year and in the years ahead.
Happy New Year! Reserve your table for the American Legion’s New Year’s Eve bash. Your $50 a ticket includes hot buffet, draft beer, wine, champagne at midnight and live music with Wax R Back. Tuesday, December 31, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Call Carol 917-930-0546 or Nora 718-945-5948 for tickets/tables. Proceeds support the Legion’s veterans’ programs.
Had great time at the Legion holiday party last Saturday. Great company, good food and at 12:16 a.m. there was a group rendition of the doo-wop classic “Gloria,” the likes of which will never be heard again!
Shop local: buy a BC calendar right here in town. They’re only $5 and guaranteed good for one year! What a bargain.
In time for Christmas, I received this story, this e-mail gift, from Judy Zack. In the spirit of giving, I can do no less than share it with you.
“I love this time of the year,” she writes, “it seems everyone is smiling.”
“I wanted to share this story with you because it epitomizes the season but especially the Broad ChannelWay.”
“I received a phone call from Karen Truden on 12th Road the other day saying she noticed that Amazon delivered a package to a home that has been abandoned for a few years. She picked it up and brought it home.”
“Realizing it was for someone who lived in the Channel, she googled my name, got my phone number and called me to let me know that she had my package.”
“She could have just as easily kept it and I would still be waiting for it to show up. But thanks to her my grandson's gift got to me in plenty of time for the holiday. There really are no people like Broad Channelpeople.”
Thanks, Judy.
Ever since I moved here, people have asked me what Broad Channel is like.
Something I heard someone say recently seems to sum it up the best. “Twenty blocks; one family.”
If you haven’t had a laugh today, here’s one. Courtesy of Dorothy Fraher this gem, along with a few others, arrived via e-mail. “Why does toilet paper need a commercial? Who is not buying this stuff?”
I recently received the following letter, which just goes to show that no matter how far Channel people may go, Broad Channel goes with them.
“Dear Mr. Guarino,
I hope I have the correct person, and you are the writer of the article, ‘Up in the Air: House Raising in Broad Channel.’
Because my husband has precious memories of his childhood in Broad Channel, he suffered great sadness at the news of the destruction caused by Sandy. We had been looking to find what had happened to the house he lived in as a child -the house that Peter DeFoe, my father-in-law, built in Broad Channel.
The address of that house: 120 Noel Road!
Once again, we were searching for news of Broad Channel a couple of days ago, and as I was searching, I asked my husband again for his childhood home in Broad Channel. I wanted to "google'' the address to get a current picture of it if possible. Well, we got a bonus! Your article has been a gift to my husband - today is actually his birthday- and just to think that his Dad's work endures has been a renewal of his happy memories. -Bea DeFoe”
Stop by 17th Road Park and see the simple, elegant new display case that sits atop the flag monument. Built by Robert (Wally) Waldheim, it replaces the old case which went missing.
Take a moment to stop by, appreciate it and remember. In November the flag flew for Roy F. Waldheim, US Navy, World War II. In December it flew for Daniel F. O’Sullivan, US Army, Korea.
In January the flag will fly for William ‘Billy’ Mundy, US Navy, World War II.
On that subject, this beautiful thank-you card arrived not too long ago: “Whatever you did to console our hearts, we thank you so much, whatever the part. (From) the family of William Mundy.”
Got BC news? Send it to workingstories@aol.com.
Thanks for reading! And all the best in the New Year, BC!
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