
Friday, November 8, 2013

W12thRd News with a "broader perspective".....


Back on October 16, 2013, I received and posted the following email from a neighbor who stated:


Although I and my family appreciate all your posts, you seem to be too focused on FEMA, the NFIP and Biggert-Waters.  Please remember that there is a lot more happening in our town of Broad Channel that you fail write about on your page.

What about the BCAC, the Volunteer Fire Department, the struggle that the little Church is having getting back on its feet, P.S. 47 which is still missing many displaced students, the rebuilding efforts of the American Legion and the VFW, and so much more?

How about broadening the perspective of your site?


As part of our posted response to the above, we stated the we would "attempt to 'broaden the perspective' of this page to include many of those items you have cited in your email."

Consequently, we have since reconfigured our site's page to include a section in the left hand column entitled "Around Town: Broad Channel - Neighbors Helping Neighbors" wherein we have posted info-boxes below the aforementioned header which contain information regarding ongoing and pending events that affect all of us here in Broad Channel.

We hope you find this addition to our site useful.

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