
Friday, November 8, 2013

New Column: 100th Precinct Community Corner

100th Precinct Community Corner
Who We Are,What We Do

By Linda Ruscillo
The 100th Precinct Community Council thanks The Wave in allowing the council to have a monthly column. This column will provide an opportunity to share council news and information from our council meetings.
I would like to take this opportunity to enlighten our community on just what a community council is all about. The New York City Department Precinct/Public Service Area (PSA Housing Bureau) has been operating since 1943. Today there is a council in each of the city’s 76 precincts and nine (PSAs). Councils remain neutral in intra-police matters.
The mission of the Community Council is to establish and maintain working partnerships between the New York City Police Department and community members, to improve public safety, quality of life and police-community relations throughout New York City. These working partnerships enable the department in its crimefighting strategy, build mutual trust and empower community members as stakeholders.
Councils assist in maintaining direct contact between the Precinct/PSA Commanding Officer and the community. This is why it is very beneficial for community members to attend council meetings. We encourage community members to report local public safety and quality of life issues to the NYPD. The council can raise awareness of law enforcement efforts and help to enhance relations between local police and the people they serve. There also exists a feeling of community at meetings of people coming together for the benefit of their community. Friendships are often started over a donut and cup of coffee.
Our council meetings are held monthly, except for the months of February and March. Meetings are the fourth Wednesday of the month, except for November and December when they are held on the third Wednesday, due to holidays.
Meetings are held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 333 Beach 90th Street. On occasion, the council will move their meetings to other locations within our community to accommodate the residents. Prior notice will be given. The meetings are open to the public. Every two years an election is held by the Council Board of Directors along with the Precinct Commander. You are a member in “good standing” after attending three meetings within the year. Any member in “good standing” may run for any position on the Board of Directors.
Each council may differ in their activities, such as programs for the youth in the community, or various special events. One event that the community councils host is National Night Out Against Crime, where police and community come together.
It will be the pleasure of the 100th Precinct Community Council to bring this column to our community. Hope to see you at our future meetings.

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