
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Correction: NYC has not officially "adopted"the new FEMA Maps at this time

Yesterday I posted an email from Councilman Eric Ulrich entitled 
"New York City Adopts FEMA Maps" which caused many people, including myself, 
to believe that the new Firm maps had been officially adopted by the city.

The administrative act of the city officially adopting the new FEMA Firms will not officially take place for approximately another year at which time the the new insurance premium rates will completely start.

The legislation referred to in Councilman Ulrich's email (Intro No. 990) was, in reality, just a building code bill requiring using the new FEMA Maps, when they are actually adopted by the city, as a "baseline" for new construction in the future.

(See red bolded/underlined material in article below).

My apologies for the misunderstanding and my sincere thanks and appreciation to Kevin Boyle of the WAVE for bringing this to my attention.

Mayor Bloomberg Signs Legislation to Fortify and Strengthen Building Standards and Increase Levels of Resiliency

November 19, 2013
Remarks by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg at a Public Hearing on Local Laws
“The next six bills before me today are a product of the Building Resiliency Task Force, an expert panel convened after Hurricane Sandy to outline steps to fortify New York City’s buildings and strengthen building standards. Their report includes thirty-three recommendations that address resiliency in a wide range of buildings – including commercial buildings, multi-family residences, hospitals and 1- to 3-family homes – and offer options to help existing buildings become more resilient and strengthen the City’s Building Code and Zoning Resolution to ensure future construction meets the highest level of resilience.
“Introductory Number 983-A is sponsored by Council Members Arroyo, Brewer, Cabrera, Chin, Comrie, Dickens, Eugene, Ferreras, Fidler, Gentile, Gonzalez, Jackson, James, King, Koppell, Mark-Viverito, Mendez, Nelson, Palma, Reyna, Williams, Wills, Lappin, Rodriguez, Gennaro, Van Bramer and Barron. This legislation sets out building and materials requirements for hospitals and health care facilities located in designated flood zones. Patient care areas and all spaces intended to be used by persons for sleeping purposes are to be located at or above the design flood elevation.
“Introductory Number 990-A is sponsored by Council Members Ulrich, Oddo, Arroyo, Cabrera, Comrie, Gentile, Gonzalez, James, Nelson, Vallone, Wills, Rodriguez, Lappin, Gennaro, Van Bramer, Recchia, Barron, Jackson, Williams and Halloran. This legislation requires using the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Flood Insurance Rate Maps, or FIRMS, as the baseline standard going forward. FIRMS are the official flood maps on which FEMA has delineated areas of special flood hazard, base flood elevations, and the flood boundary and floodways.
“Introductory Number 1085-A is sponsored by Council Members Chin, Brewer, Gonzalez, James, Koo, Koppell, Lander, Mendez, Richards, Rose, Rodriquez, Arroyo, Mark-Viverito, Barron, Van Bramer and Williams. This legislation requires the owners of a residential dwelling, where at least one unit is not occupied by the owner, to post a notice in the building detailing information such as whether the building is located in a hurricane evacuation zone, address of nearest evacuation center, when a person should contact 911 and 311, and contact information of the building personnel.
“Introductory Number 1089-A is sponsored by Council Members Gonzalez, Chin, Comrie, James, Koo, Lander, Mendez, Richards, Rose, Gennaro, Van Bramer, Recchia, Rodriguez, Barron, Jackson and Williams. This legislation requires that building systems, such as fuel storage, extinguishing systems, and cables be elevated above the minimum flood levels outlined in the Building Code in designated flood prone areas. Fuel oil stored on the lowest story having its floor above the design flood elevation is limited to 3,000 gallons, and no storage tank may exceed the lesser of 1,500 gallons or the quantity of fuel-oil needed to operate the emergency or standby generators served by the tank for twenty-four hours.
“Introductory 1096-A is sponsored by Council Members Oddo, Chin, Comrie, Dickens, Fidler, James, Koo, Lander, Mendez, Recchia, Richards, Rose, Gennaro, Van Bramer, Lappin, Rodriguez, Barron, Jackson and Williams. This legislation addresses relocating and protecting building systems in flood-prone areas; sets guidelines for fire protection and alarm systems, fuel oil piping systems, and plumbing systems and components; and construction and elevation standards for fuel oil, hazardous materials and gas and oxygen storage tanks.
“Introductory 1099-A is sponsored by Council Members Richards, Chin, James, Koo, Lander, Mendez, Recchia, Rose, Barron, Van Bramer, Gennaro, Rodriguez, Jackson and Williams. This legislation defines the different wind speeds and at what heights exterior building fixtures such as louvers, outdoor furniture and construction equipment need to be secured or moved inside; and sets standards for glass and building facades to withstand wind borne debris.
“I would like to thank Department of Buildings Commissioner Robert LiMandri, Department of Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, Office of Emergency Management Commissioner Joseph Bruno, Sergej Mahnovski, Director of the Office of Long Term Planning & Sustainability, Daniel Zarilli, Director of Resiliency at OLTPS and their staff, along with my Office of City Legislative Affairs for their work on these bills. I would also like to thank the City Council for approving this legislation.”
Contact: Marc LaVorgna/Evelyn Erskine (212) 788-2958

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