
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Belated "Happy Anniversary to Super Storm Sandy"

My 18 year old daughter, Amy Katherine, is attending school as a freshman at Canisius College in Buffalo N.Y.

Amy sent me the below email several days prior to the October 29th one year anniversary of Sandy and asked me to post it on this site for her.  Although I saved the email and marked it for retrieval I totally forgot about it.

Amy's short email captures in very few words what I could not have said in the myriad of postings I have published here.

No tears and crying here, just a "glass half full attitude" that will serve her well in the coming years.


A Proud Dad

P.S.:  Also learned some new jargon...."curb-stomp"?

October 28, 2013

It was only 365 days ago that you came in and (so you thought) DECIMATED my entire town, and areas around it. 

You left families homeless for months on end, my neighborhood in worse shape than it's probably been in decades, and my mother crying because she had to spend yet ANOTHER year fixing our beautiful home she'd been working on for 8 years. 

You gave it your all, didn't ya? 

But you know what? You didn't really obtain the destruction of our town that you so obviously  aspired for.

Instead, you gave:

 my town a brand new market that we had been needing for a while....

 Almost every single one of my neighbors a new start to their homes and  a better renovation of my own house...


 a community that may still want to strangle one another on a Friday night, but will have each other's backs in the worst of times. 

I've never been so lucky to live in such a strong community of people that will spend time noticing the good in such a horrible situation. 

This so called disaster you flooded us with engendered a masterful work of creation and unequivocal awesomeness amidst a community that I've never seen in my 18 years of existence.

And so,  as much as I'd probably curb-stomp you if you were  human, I kind of have to thank you.

You blessed us with much-needed improvements, even if it was in the most overwhelming of circumstances.

Amy Mahon


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