
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

2012-13 Hurricane Season Draws to a Very Quiet Close

As the 2012-2013 Atlantic Hurricane season draws to a close, a quick look at the above graphic depicts the tracks of the twelve (12) named storms (2 Hurricanes and 10 Tropical Storms) this season spawned.

This season and 1982 are the only years, since weather satellites were launched in the early 1960's, in which there were only two hurricanes.

Only one event, Tropical Storm Andrea, impacted our area here in Broad Channel back in early June and that only amounted to a slightly annoying wind and rain storm.

I could cite a lot of meteorological information and data explaining the non-volatility of this year's hurricane season (very low Accumulated Cyclonic Energy [ACE] index caused by the outflow of very dry Saharan desert air off the African coast; continual high level "shear effect" winds; blocking highs; etc.) however, I would rather believe that the powers that be decided we could all use a break because of Super Storm Sandy.

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